I have been meaning to update this thread. Basically, we decided to continue with the monthly €270 payments for the forseeable future.
According to our broker, we are overinsured by around €100,000 because husband is public sector (Yorky was right!). We have stopped the index linked payments which relieves future financial pressure.
The broker looked at other scenarios where we paid less monthly. However, as we are now 10 years older, we would not receive the same value for money as with current policy. Since we can afford it, we have decided to stay put. Also, we are due to take a routine mammagram/colonoscopy in 2011 so until the results of those tests are in, we are not going to change anything. Possibly in 4-5 years time when are oldest child is 16 and our mortgage has decreased greatly, we will make a drastic change.
On another matter, this thread has inspired us to save, as soon as possible, a few months wages for emergencies. Thanks to everyone who responded. S