Opinions on Bebo users under age 16


Registered User
Hey, just wondering what the general thoughts are in relation to your kids using bebo. Friend of mine is in a situation now where she has become aware that her young daughter (13) and all of her friends have bebo pages. While her daughter's page has a password on it - her friend's pages don't and she was quite shocked when she saw the content on the friends pages i.e bad language, talk about boyfriends etc. She wants to demand access to her daughter's page to see what's on it, do you think that this is fair?, what would you do - would you leave it? or would you invade their privacy.
I, for one, do not consider a 13 year old to be sufficiently mature to host a "password protected" social networking site. I would not be comfortable at all with that situation. ( or any computer activity that the parent cannot oversee )
I don't think their bad language is confined to bebo pages, i guess the only thing to worry about is the strangers that will be checking out the pages.
She's 13 her parents have a right to konw what photos/text she's putting out there! privately or not.
It must be old age but those Bebo pages depress me. I once had a look at my brother's 12-year-old son's page and was sorry I did. The language didn't bother me so much, it was more the bullying and nastiness from such young kids. Horrible.
Bebo is the spawn of Satan.

But there's little she can do about it, other than try to educate the kid about the risks and, yes, require access to it (by opening an account herself and being added to her 'frenz').

Bebo and its ilk are the main reason I have installed time control software on our family computer — limiting the kids to 30 mins online daily, during the week — and parental controls (the true powers of which I have rather overstated to the kids).
3 of my little cousins are on it and like that I log in every few weeks just to keep an eye for their mam, its shocking some of the stuff on it. I was more shocked by the photos my 13 year old cousin was posting!
Heard a few friends talking recently about their Bebo pages and they have them mainly to keep an eye on their kids accounts.

I thought this case recently tied into myspace and youtube was very sad.
im friends with our kids on bebo which gives me access to their pages. In all fairness now, their sites aren`t too bad.. they`ve had the occasional arguement in bebo etc. But thank god nothing sinister has happened. Im all for it... I keep in contact with my friends from overseas through Bebo (just saying so, so that you lot wont think im naff)
My son has a bebo page also and I am one of his contacts on it, so i can keep an eye on it, its not an invasion of privacy if your child is only 13 as you are merely looking out for them and have a right to know what is going on. You should make sure that they only allow access to their friends that way you dont have to worry about undesirables accessing their page.
Exactly. Their pages are private so only their direct friends can see them...
I suppose theres good and bad with everything really....
I think you have to let them have these pages as they are norm these days. I would insist on controlling the password and ban using bebo for 1 week etc as a punishment for misbehaving be it on bebo or in general.
I didn't know there were people over 16 using it...