Opinion on compliance - Acceptable ?


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I have furnished opinion on compliance on planning to solicitor, issued by Archtitectural Design Tech in business for over 10 years. He has PI insurance.

The building compliance was done at the time work was carried out and this is Ok. It was done by Engineer who is not available to do this compliance in time.

Will the solicitor be ok with this ??
Irrespective of what the Engineer states, should it not be the Planning Authority that makes the decision as to whether the buidlng is in compliance or not? At the end of the day if the Engineer says 'Yes' and the Planning Authority says 'No', you're in trouble.
Irrespective of what the Engineer states, should it not be the Planning Authority that makes the decision as to whether the buidlng is in compliance or not? At the end of the day if the Engineer says 'Yes' and the Planning Authority says 'No', you're in trouble.
you'd think so, but the planning authority rarely get involved
You have a point lowCO2design. The PA doesn't normally issue compliance certification in relation to a particular development.

However, what I was referring to is a situation where some changes have been made to the design. It's normally a good idea to ask the planner if they consider it to be material or not.

I've seen a few cases where an engineer has signed off of a deisgn change to a one-off house on the basis that he/she believes it is a minor or non-material change to the permitted development.

Cue the neighbour who writes in and complains that the house next door isn't in accordance with the permission granted. In this situation, the Planner makes the ultimate decision as to whether the changes are material or not and whether a retention application is needed, irrespective of whether the engineer has signed off that the building is planning compliant.