Opening new business & considering classified advertising in Irish Times & Examiner.

This might be a useful way of tying in the T.D.'s pamphlet dropping team to promoting your business.

Just remember, there will be a party political link there forever and a day and the donations hat will be sent around at election time and for Party Fundraisers.

Still, patronage of a prominent person could assist your business growth in the early years and product or business endorsement is a valid means of promotion.
Is there a worse way to promote a new local-based business than to allow its brand to be aligned to a band of local political hacks and their detested junk mail? I don't think so.
Don't underestimate the power of social media like Facebook and Twitter. have another look at the variuos uses and re-evaluate your suitability.
Politics can work for and against people.

Like most things in life, its up to you what you make of it.
Well, glad to report that 3 clients are booked in already. 2 through people we know and the 3rd just by being open, so a decent start!