Opening Bank Account Query


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Hi I'll be moving to Dublin form Belfast soon and will want to open a bank account there. Is it true that you have to reside in the area of the branch you wish to open an account? So for example if I wanted to open an AIB current account in the city centre for convenience I couldn't unless I lived in the city centre?
ah right thats great thanks. Is there a good AIB bank in the city centre that can be recommended?
There is an AIB on Grafton St which is city centre if that helps. Can't say though if its 'good' or not.
AIB has online international transfers and their online banking seems to be the best of all the banks.
"AIB has online international transfers and their online banking seems to be the best of all the banks" - I'd shop around on that one if I were you. As an ex-AIB and a current NIB and BOI customer, I have to say that they are both better than the AIB one - especially the NIB one with their Share Dealing which is excellent. Even UB is catching up....

Try their websites for demos etc.
AIB has online international transfers and their online banking seems to be the best of all the banks.

Although the service is on the whole quite good they can be quite intransigent sometimes. You can't transfer more than 5 grand a day or up that limit for example.