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(This Key Post was written on 25 November 2011)
Opening an account with DKB
What does make a DKB-Cash account a good choice?
1. 0 € Fee for standard operations
2. 0 € Fee for withdrawing cash with your Visa Card worldwide
3. 0.5% p.a. interest on the balance of your current account
4. 2.05% p.a. interest on the credit balance of the Visa Card
5. 7.9% p.a. debit interest is you use your overdraft
6. Easy account opening options
7. DKB is a state guaranteed bank
What makes the DKB-Cash account a not so good choice?
1. All documents and account operations are German only
2. DKB agents will not usually talk to in English unless you are really lucky
3. They are still using the old online banking with TAN’s
What do I get with the account package?
1. Current Account
2. V-Pay Card which can be used to pay in shops, however note ATM usage incurs fees
3. Visa Charge Card
4. Overdraft limit on current account
What are the fees?
1. Standard operations (credit/debit including SEPA in €) are free
2. V Pay card usage if free in shops in €, otherwise 1% fee (min 0.77€/max 3.83)
3. Visa card usage is free in shops in €, otherwise 1.75 fee (no max)
4. ATM usage of Visa card worldwide free of charge
Full details are available here.
What are the interest rates?
1. On the current account 0.5% p.a. interest on the balance
2. 2.05% p.a. interest on the credit balance of the Visa Card
3. 7.9% p.a. debit interest is you use your overdraft
4. 12% p.a. for unauthorized overdrafts
Full details are available here. Rates correct as of 24/11/11.
What do I need to open an account online?
1. A good online translator like http://www.microsofttranslator.com/
2. About 20 minutes to ensure you fill the online application out correctly
How do I open an account online?
1. Visit the DKB.de webpage, click on DKB-Cash on the menu and click on “Jetzt eröffnen”
2. A webpage will request “Persönliche Angaben” in German, these are your personal contact details
Kontoinhaber means account owner
a. Anrede is Frau if you are female and Herr if you are male
b. Vorname is your first name
c. Titel is your academic title
Warning, even if you have a Dr. etc do not choose this, it is a crime in Germany to use a Dr. title that is not acknowledged by a specific German authority.
d. Name is your Last Name
e. Geburtsname is your maiden Name
f. Geburtsdatum is the date of your birth in DD.MM.YYYY format
g. Geburtsort is the place of your birth
h. Familienstand is your relationship Status
Ledig is single, verheiratet is married, getrennt levend is separated, geschieden is divorced, verwitwet is widow, lebengsgemeinschaft is a registered partnership
i. Staatsangehörigkeit is your citizenship, this must match your passport
j. Telefonnummer is your telephone number
k. E-mail (come on….)
Anschrift means address
l. Straße, Hausnummer is your street and house number
In Germany the street comes first, than the house number
m. PLZ*, Ort* is your postcode and Town
So if you are posh it’s 4 Dublin for example
n. Land is the country you live in
o. Wohnhaft seit means since when are you living at the address in MM.YYYY
p. Wohnstatus means who owns your property.
Eigentum means you do, zur miete means you rent and sonstiges is anything else
q. Möchten Sie eine abweichende Postanschrift angeben?
Click „JA“ if you want to provide a mailing address different from the address you just enterd, otherwise choose „Nein“
Beschäftigung means your current work circumstances
r. Tätigkeit means your occupation
Angestellter means you are employed and is applicable to the most, otherwise use the online translator to find the appropriate title
S. Derzeitiges monatliches Nettoeinkommen in Euro asks for your current monthly net salary (after taxes etc.) in Euro
t. tätig seit asks since when you work at your current employer in MM.YYYY
u. Branche means the kind of company you work for, again please use the online translator
Weitere Angaben zum Produktpaket
v. Möchten Sie einen zweiten Kontoinhaber angeben?
This asks if you want a secondary account owner, choose “Ja” for yes and “Nein” for no.
Now click on “weiter”
New page “Datenschutz & Bedingungen” is the Terms & Conditions
You need to click the tick box for all of the boxes with the exception of the last one
Number one is your permission for electronic processing
Number two is the schufa permission (the german ICB)
Number three is your declaration that you will use this account for your own purposed and in compliance with the money laundering laws
Number four is your acceptance of the T&C, price list, EU guidelines for long distance products
Number five is your opt in for receiving mails about new products etc. from DBK
Now click on “weiter”
New page “Antrag senden” is showing you what you entered and asks you to confirm it by pressing “Antrag senden” or make changes by clicking “zurück”.
You than will be presented with a confirmation screen
What happens next?
DKB will start processing your application and send you a letter with documentation you have to sign.
You will receive
1. An application form filled out with the data you provided
2. Terms and condition pages
3. A form for Postident (identification at a German Post Office)
4. A form for Identification outside Germany
What do to next?
If you plan a trip to Germany, sign the documents wherever it requests “Unterschrift” on both the application form and the Terms and Conditions. Pack your passport and an original utility bill or bank account statement. Take all those documents, go into a post office in Germany and present the Post Ident form to the agent, they will take your passport and complete a form for you to sign. Hand them your documents including the utility bill or bank account statement and they will send everything to the bank. You must include the bill/account statement, otherwise they will reject your application. There is no charge for you. Most agents in large post offices speak English.
If you don’t want to fly to Germany, sign the documents wherever it requests “Unterschrift” on both the application form and the Terms and Conditions. Take your passport and proof of address (utility bill or bank account statement) and go to a notary public. No Irish bank can help you, you need to find a notary public, there is an online directory here. The guidelines what the notary needs to do are in English on the forms so he will complete is as applicable. Note that he is not supposed to give you the forms back for posting; he is supposed to post it once he filled in his parts.
What happens after I send the documents to DKB?
Be patient, number one the bank is taking some time to process your application and mail from Germany can take anything from 2 days to 7 days.
You should hear back from them either via snail mail or e-mail and with the help of your online translator you can translate if they have a question before they open the account.
What will I get once the account is opened?
If they open an account you will receive several letters from them over a period of 2 weeks which are
1. Welcome Letter that includes your bank account information
2. Welcome Letter that includes your online banking information
3. A TAN letter which are the codes you need to use to operate your account
4. A PIN letter for your V-Pay Card
5. A PIN Letter for your Visa Card
6. A V-Pay Card
7. A Visa Charge Card
8. Your original documents
What is my spending limit on the Visa Card?
This will be marked in the online banking interface, please remember this is not a credit card, this is a charge card and the full amount you spend is due on specific day displayed to you.
You can increase the spending limit on the card by transferring money from your DKB cash account to the visa card online. You will receiver interest on such a balance as above.
At any time you wish you can transfer money back from the Visa Card to the Cash account. All of these transitions are free of charge.
Note that requests to transfer money before 1430 CET are processed the same day but it might take up to 2 days for the transaction to show in the online banking interface.
Is My Money Safe?
DKB is part of the Einlagensicherungsfonds des Bundesverbandes Öffentlicher Banken Deutschlands e.V. (freiwillige Einlagensicherung). So next to the usual 100.000€ limit they guarantee all deposits.
Also DKB is owned by the state of Bavaria and the sparkasse organisation of Bavaria and they have guaranteed that DKB can take care of its contractual responsibilities (exception is war or government regulations). So unless the state of Bavaria gets insolvent your deposits are protected.
And it clearly specifies that your positive balance on your DKB Credit Card is covered by this.
German Tax
After DKB credits you interest (Habenzinsen) you will noticed that you are charged Abgeltungsteuer and Solidaritätszuschlag.
Abgeltungsteuer is the German variant of DIRT and Solidaritätszuschlag is a special german tax introduced after the re-unification to support building up the eastern parts of Germany again and it's still paid. Abgeltungsteuer is 25% and the Solidaritätszuschlag is 5.5% of the Abgeltungsteuer.
You will need to contact a tax professional if you have questions about how to deal with this tax in our Irish tax liability. I can just point out what these taxes are.
Opening an account with DKB
What does make a DKB-Cash account a good choice?
1. 0 € Fee for standard operations
2. 0 € Fee for withdrawing cash with your Visa Card worldwide
3. 0.5% p.a. interest on the balance of your current account
4. 2.05% p.a. interest on the credit balance of the Visa Card
5. 7.9% p.a. debit interest is you use your overdraft
6. Easy account opening options
7. DKB is a state guaranteed bank
What makes the DKB-Cash account a not so good choice?
1. All documents and account operations are German only
2. DKB agents will not usually talk to in English unless you are really lucky
3. They are still using the old online banking with TAN’s
What do I get with the account package?
1. Current Account
2. V-Pay Card which can be used to pay in shops, however note ATM usage incurs fees
3. Visa Charge Card
4. Overdraft limit on current account
What are the fees?
1. Standard operations (credit/debit including SEPA in €) are free
2. V Pay card usage if free in shops in €, otherwise 1% fee (min 0.77€/max 3.83)
3. Visa card usage is free in shops in €, otherwise 1.75 fee (no max)
4. ATM usage of Visa card worldwide free of charge
Full details are available here.
What are the interest rates?
1. On the current account 0.5% p.a. interest on the balance
2. 2.05% p.a. interest on the credit balance of the Visa Card
3. 7.9% p.a. debit interest is you use your overdraft
4. 12% p.a. for unauthorized overdrafts
Full details are available here. Rates correct as of 24/11/11.
What do I need to open an account online?
1. A good online translator like http://www.microsofttranslator.com/
2. About 20 minutes to ensure you fill the online application out correctly
How do I open an account online?
1. Visit the DKB.de webpage, click on DKB-Cash on the menu and click on “Jetzt eröffnen”
2. A webpage will request “Persönliche Angaben” in German, these are your personal contact details
Kontoinhaber means account owner
a. Anrede is Frau if you are female and Herr if you are male
b. Vorname is your first name
c. Titel is your academic title
Warning, even if you have a Dr. etc do not choose this, it is a crime in Germany to use a Dr. title that is not acknowledged by a specific German authority.
d. Name is your Last Name
e. Geburtsname is your maiden Name
f. Geburtsdatum is the date of your birth in DD.MM.YYYY format
g. Geburtsort is the place of your birth
h. Familienstand is your relationship Status
Ledig is single, verheiratet is married, getrennt levend is separated, geschieden is divorced, verwitwet is widow, lebengsgemeinschaft is a registered partnership
i. Staatsangehörigkeit is your citizenship, this must match your passport
j. Telefonnummer is your telephone number
k. E-mail (come on….)
Anschrift means address
l. Straße, Hausnummer is your street and house number
In Germany the street comes first, than the house number
m. PLZ*, Ort* is your postcode and Town
So if you are posh it’s 4 Dublin for example
n. Land is the country you live in
o. Wohnhaft seit means since when are you living at the address in MM.YYYY
p. Wohnstatus means who owns your property.
Eigentum means you do, zur miete means you rent and sonstiges is anything else
q. Möchten Sie eine abweichende Postanschrift angeben?
Click „JA“ if you want to provide a mailing address different from the address you just enterd, otherwise choose „Nein“
Beschäftigung means your current work circumstances
r. Tätigkeit means your occupation
Angestellter means you are employed and is applicable to the most, otherwise use the online translator to find the appropriate title
S. Derzeitiges monatliches Nettoeinkommen in Euro asks for your current monthly net salary (after taxes etc.) in Euro
t. tätig seit asks since when you work at your current employer in MM.YYYY
u. Branche means the kind of company you work for, again please use the online translator
Weitere Angaben zum Produktpaket
v. Möchten Sie einen zweiten Kontoinhaber angeben?
This asks if you want a secondary account owner, choose “Ja” for yes and “Nein” for no.
Now click on “weiter”
New page “Datenschutz & Bedingungen” is the Terms & Conditions
You need to click the tick box for all of the boxes with the exception of the last one
Number one is your permission for electronic processing
Number two is the schufa permission (the german ICB)
Number three is your declaration that you will use this account for your own purposed and in compliance with the money laundering laws
Number four is your acceptance of the T&C, price list, EU guidelines for long distance products
Number five is your opt in for receiving mails about new products etc. from DBK
Now click on “weiter”
New page “Antrag senden” is showing you what you entered and asks you to confirm it by pressing “Antrag senden” or make changes by clicking “zurück”.
You than will be presented with a confirmation screen
What happens next?
DKB will start processing your application and send you a letter with documentation you have to sign.
You will receive
1. An application form filled out with the data you provided
2. Terms and condition pages
3. A form for Postident (identification at a German Post Office)
4. A form for Identification outside Germany
What do to next?
If you plan a trip to Germany, sign the documents wherever it requests “Unterschrift” on both the application form and the Terms and Conditions. Pack your passport and an original utility bill or bank account statement. Take all those documents, go into a post office in Germany and present the Post Ident form to the agent, they will take your passport and complete a form for you to sign. Hand them your documents including the utility bill or bank account statement and they will send everything to the bank. You must include the bill/account statement, otherwise they will reject your application. There is no charge for you. Most agents in large post offices speak English.
If you don’t want to fly to Germany, sign the documents wherever it requests “Unterschrift” on both the application form and the Terms and Conditions. Take your passport and proof of address (utility bill or bank account statement) and go to a notary public. No Irish bank can help you, you need to find a notary public, there is an online directory here. The guidelines what the notary needs to do are in English on the forms so he will complete is as applicable. Note that he is not supposed to give you the forms back for posting; he is supposed to post it once he filled in his parts.
What happens after I send the documents to DKB?
Be patient, number one the bank is taking some time to process your application and mail from Germany can take anything from 2 days to 7 days.
You should hear back from them either via snail mail or e-mail and with the help of your online translator you can translate if they have a question before they open the account.
What will I get once the account is opened?
If they open an account you will receive several letters from them over a period of 2 weeks which are
1. Welcome Letter that includes your bank account information
2. Welcome Letter that includes your online banking information
3. A TAN letter which are the codes you need to use to operate your account
4. A PIN letter for your V-Pay Card
5. A PIN Letter for your Visa Card
6. A V-Pay Card
7. A Visa Charge Card
8. Your original documents
What is my spending limit on the Visa Card?
This will be marked in the online banking interface, please remember this is not a credit card, this is a charge card and the full amount you spend is due on specific day displayed to you.
You can increase the spending limit on the card by transferring money from your DKB cash account to the visa card online. You will receiver interest on such a balance as above.
At any time you wish you can transfer money back from the Visa Card to the Cash account. All of these transitions are free of charge.
Note that requests to transfer money before 1430 CET are processed the same day but it might take up to 2 days for the transaction to show in the online banking interface.
Is My Money Safe?
DKB is part of the Einlagensicherungsfonds des Bundesverbandes Öffentlicher Banken Deutschlands e.V. (freiwillige Einlagensicherung). So next to the usual 100.000€ limit they guarantee all deposits.
Also DKB is owned by the state of Bavaria and the sparkasse organisation of Bavaria and they have guaranteed that DKB can take care of its contractual responsibilities (exception is war or government regulations). So unless the state of Bavaria gets insolvent your deposits are protected.
And it clearly specifies that your positive balance on your DKB Credit Card is covered by this.
German Tax
After DKB credits you interest (Habenzinsen) you will noticed that you are charged Abgeltungsteuer and Solidaritätszuschlag.
Abgeltungsteuer is the German variant of DIRT and Solidaritätszuschlag is a special german tax introduced after the re-unification to support building up the eastern parts of Germany again and it's still paid. Abgeltungsteuer is 25% and the Solidaritätszuschlag is 5.5% of the Abgeltungsteuer.
You will need to contact a tax professional if you have questions about how to deal with this tax in our Irish tax liability. I can just point out what these taxes are.