Open Sterling bank account from Dublin?



Hi Guys,

I'm moving to London next month, its a last minute decision. Friends have told me that it is quite difficult to open a STG bank account. That you need utility bills with a UK address.
I would love to sort this out before I go so that I can be paid directly into my account when I arrive. I haven't sorted accomodation yet so the utility bill is gonna be a while down the track.
Is there a way to open a GBP account in the Republic or North ???
Re: Open Sterling Bank Account from Dublin??

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Bank of Ireland has branches in london according to this. maybe you can open a sterling account with them from here before you go move ?
Re: Open Sterling Bank Account from Dublin??

told me that it is quite difficult to open a STG bank account. That you need utility bills with a UK address.

This is no different from the process you have to go through to open an account in Ireland.

If you open a GBP account in Ireland, in, say, Bank Of Ireland, your employer may not pay wages into an overseas bank account-it's something to consider.
But if for example you open an Irish sterling account can your Irish company pay money in and you withdraw the money in the UK??

I have opened a new tread before I found this one sorry for that if there is an admin feel free to close mine down.
You cant open a bank account for another country in a different country.

I assumed when I moved to the UK I could walk into an AIB and open on as I was Irish, not the case.

You will need to get a NI number to work over, similar to PPS so do that asap, will have your address on it. Also if ur sharing a flat/ house ask them to put your name on the council tax bill or a utility bill if you can prior to moving over so you will have something with an address on.
You will more than likely be issued with a electron card to start with as you wont have any credit history there,this only works by using an atm, not a lazer/debit card! (pain in the ass)
Or you can open an Near Shore Account dealing with Expats. For example with Barclays in London or Isle of man. Using your Irish address they get your account running (in £ with UK Sort Code) and once you have an address in the UK you swap that exapt account to a UK one with Barclays hence transfering your credit record too.

You might only get an Electron card but that starts you at least up.