opel vectra wiper problem


Registered User
Last Friday, whilst driving in th erain, the passenger wiper died. It moves about 1/2 cm up and down to try to keep time with the drivers one. ANy suggestion as to how to fix it?
sounds like the drive rod has become dislocated from the passenger wiper arm from the motor linkage. Could be something worn. How old is the car? You might have to take off a cover to get in and have a look.
my car was 8yrs old and almost 100k miles on it when the drive rod dislocated itself due to a worn bushing. All wiper mechanisms are different from car to car, so yours could be different, but you will have to remove the cover to get in and have a look

is it still under warranty?
Sounds to me like the wiper arm has come off the tapered spindle. The spindle has splines which match those in the wiper arm. Get it checked out sooner rather than later because the spindle is made from a soft material and will quickly wear especially if you're getting partial contact.