Opel Corsa written off



Through no fault of mine I was involved in a traffic accident. The insurance company of the person that crashed in to me has accepted full liability. My car was an opel corsa, year 2000, five door with 70,000 miles. The insurance company has written of the car and has offered me €1,800. I feel that I am been hard done as the book price for the car is €3,000. I cant understand why I should be at a loss for an accident that was not my fault. Do I have any options? I feel like the other persons insurance company is screwing me.

Any advise would be appericated as the insurance company are going to contact me again on monday
Tell them that you are not happy with their valuation. Ask them to back it up. Have your own facts straight too.
Yeah - they are offering you a settlement, you dont have to accept, tell them to double the offer, also if you were in the car make sure you are checked out by a doctor etc.

When signing a settlement agreement with an insurance company, make sure you have a good read of it and if unsure get a solicitor to have a look