Opel Corsa 07 - tracking / suspension mount problem


Registered User

Just wondering if anyone had heard of a problem with the new model Opel Corsa. I needed my two front tyres replaced today (30k kilometres - both cut to pieces and showing steel on the inside edge). I was advised to get my tracking done but the tyre place said they couldnt do it because the front suspension mounts were loose. They showed me the wheel tilting vertically inwards and outwards when the car was up on the tracking machine( and weight off wheels) . I went out to the Opel main dealer and the service manager assured me that this was a feature of the new Corsa and nothing to worry about and they would align the wheels for me tomorrow. He showed me a print out from Opel saying it is not a problem. I went back to tyre place and they had only heard of this loose setup being on Rally cars and they have never come across it before.

Am i being taken for a ride by the Opel main dealer? Seems a bit suspicious that the two tyres are busted and in the opinion of the guy doing the tracking there was a big problem with the suspension mount.
