Opel 50/50 issues ...


Registered User

Looking for some advice, I purchased a car on an opel 50/50 deal and decided to roll the finance over and trade the car in for another new opel and continue with the 50/50 deal.

I sent the forms off to the finance company and went into my dealer and ordered the new car - but the finance company have taken the balance (20k) from my account as they did not receive an order form from the car dealer - the car dealer says they were not aware they had to send the form in even though thats the process.

I'm now left with no funds in the bank and being charged for an overdraft not to mention the situation of not having funds to pay bills and mortgage and the car dealer does not see the issue even though they caused the problem ... I mentioned them taking the hit of the charges I'm about to be hit with and they all but laughed at me.

The scary thing is that the finance guy in the dealer said this has happened to a number of people but I was the only one that had the amount available to complete the transaction ..

Any ideas where I stand? I did everything that opel asked and the dealer forgot a critical part of the process causing the money to be taken - surly the least they could do is cover my charges? should I take legal advice?

Thanks in advance - my wife is fairly upset as she was at the supermarket with full shopping trolley when her card bounced (and she was with our next door neighbour)
Thanks in advance - my wife is fairly upset as she was at the supermarket with full shopping trolley when her card bounced (and she was with our next door neighbour)

Oh my, the embarrassment

Just tell them you won't bother buying the new car?
Any ideas where I stand?
Did you read and understand the terms & conditions of the agreement(s) governing these deals? Are you sure that what happened is not legitimate under the agreement in spite of your shock?
Did you read and understand the terms & conditions of the agreement(s) governing these deals? Are you sure that what happened is not legitimate under the agreement in spite of your shock?

Yup, went through them last night and the agreement states that if the finance company does not receive an order form from the car dealer it will pull the full amount - If they receive the order form then they hold the finance until the new car has arrived. The finance company acted correctly as the dealer failed to send on the form so I really do not have a problem with them.

I guess what is annoying me is that the car dealer is failing to take any responsability for the situation even though they admit to not sending the form (and admit its not just my form they did not send) - they feel its a discussion for me and the finance company and they don't need to be involved .. the finance company say its nothing to do with them as they followed the agreement due to not receiving the order form.

I guess i'm not going to get anywhere but its annoying to follow the guidelines and then end up paying for the dealers mistake ... they are not too concerend about the sales as opel sales are good at the moment.

I think its a concern that it happened to a number of people but they were fortunate (or not as stupid as me) not to have the funds available
Extopia is right , just don't buy the car !

Yes RS2K , sue the dealer , sue his wife , sue his neighbourg , sue the bank , sue the dog barking next door , sue everybody arround !
sad !
Extopia is right , just don't buy the car !

Yes RS2K , sue the dealer , sue his wife , sue his neighbourg , sue the bank , sue the dog barking next door , sue everybody arround !
sad !

The OP is still out of pocket as a result of being overdrawn-how do you suggest they go about recovering this cost? Would you be happy to let it go?

It seems clear (to me) that the dealer is selling finance but is not competent enough to do so-if that is the case, then a complaint should be made to the appropriate body (I presume that the dealer must be authorised in order to offer finance?).
Off course i wouldn't happy to let it go !
Off course they need to recover the money !
But the first thing you hear is "sue him"....
As you said an official complaint to the appropriate body (whoever it is) should be made. May be go to Opel Ireland as well.
You may need to sue them but i believe only if there is nothing else that can be done.
A court case is expensive , stresffull ,it takes for ever and you still need to win it !
A court case is expensive , stresffull ,it takes for ever and you still need to win it !

The amount here is probably well within the remit of the small claims court, so certainly not expensive.
The amount mentioned in the original post was €20K which is well outside the SCC claim limit of €2K.
The amount mentioned in the original post was €20K which is well outside the SCC claim limit of €2K.

It's not the €20k-it's the out of pocket costs, i.e. overdraft interest etc. as a result of the €20k being taken from the OP's account.

I wonder, how did the bank allow this to go through?
I assumed that the original poster also wanted the 50% (€10K?) of the 50:50 deal back too?
Get the garage to send in the order form, then contact Credit Opel and explain the situation and instruct them to reimburse the money to you.
Write a letter of complaint to the garage (sales manager or dealer principle) and ask for compensation for the overdraft expenses and fees.

I wouldnt worry about others this has happened to let them worry about it.
If you signed the SIMI you are probably bound to arbitration with the garage anyway and cant bring them to court.
If you get no satisfaction with the garage contact Opel Ireland.
Thanks for all your replies and ideas, I contacted them again today and still no luck although they were very keen to know if I was still going ahead with the new opel.

I sent an email to the director of communcations in the head of opel today so hopefully will get a response.

I'm not interested in sue'ing anyone (not something I would think of to be honest) but would like to see them return the money, cover any charges I have been hit with and write to my bank explaining what happened so my credit has not been effected - an apology to us for the error would be good as well.

I really don't mind people making mistakes, as long as they take the ownership to try and resolve it I do not have a problem ... it just feels like the customer is not always right anymore !!

and I think your right, don't buy the car from them ...