I hope none of the 5 siblings or the EA are reading this thread (which they well may be). Then again it sounds like they have squeezed a great price out of you anyway, so them reading this will not probably affect anything.
I do sympathise as you are caught between a rock and a hard place. Sounds like you may be paying over the odds, but you really really want the house.
If you are determined to buy it, then I honestly don't think you are in any danger of losing the house. You have prob gone to your limit anyway (don't answer that! you are too easy to identify from this and all your previous posts).
I am absolutely raging now at the moment, have we done the right thing?
Only you can decide that, hope the opinions have helped.
are they auctioneers trying to bully us into signing quickly in case we back out now?
Maybe, maybe not. There *may* be a phantom bidder. But then again maybe not. You are best placed to decide on that.
I think you are just emotionally upset and angry with the EA as you fear losing the house. Maybe he is playing on that fear, to speed up and complete the sale, and make you feel even more determined to 'win' the house. He has hit the right button with you for sure.
Try to detach yourself emotionally from the transaction. Its not easy.
Then step back and analyse: do I really want this house at this price? Or am i being swept along? Is my impending homelessness blinding me to this house transaction?
There are plenty more fine houses for sale. Make sure this is the right house at the right price, as it is a massive purchase.
Good luck.