Only house in Ireland to have increased in price?

If a house was on the market for 2 years, that is a bad sign. Unless maybe it was overpriced and they brought the price down a year ago to something more realistic.

In any case, I would be hesitant to buy anything in Dublin for the same price as it was last year, never mind more. Seems VERY VERY fishy.

Are you sure these are not phantom bids?

As for pushing you to close, well if I was the vendor I would be thrilled to sell to you a fixer-upper at a price 10k > 2007 prices, and I would definitely want to close asap. But I would not push my luck by bullying you - that is a dangerous game. Does the vendor know the EA has done this?

I really doubt if anyone is going to match or beat your price in this market.

I would consider calling their bluff.

In any case, a deep breath, a step back and a calm review of the situation is in order. You may wish to reconsider the whole deal in the cold light of day.
Based on your opening post it seems that this house has been on the market for 2 years!

I'm not saying it is impossible but I would say it is highly unlikely that the EA has 2 genuine buyers right now after 2 years on the market.
..i let solicitor know about the phonecall and he sent me a very strongly worded email to forward to estate agent basically he wouldnt allow us sign now even if we wanted to due to outstanding issues...
I'd be hopping mad in your situation, but I'd follow through with your solicitor's email to the EA and also copy the vendors, letting them know how you feel at this kind of treatment by their agent.

2 years on the market and now they have that well-known property magnate A.N. Other, Esq as well as yourselves interested in a Dublin fix-me-up at a price in excess of last year's - yeah, right and pigs might fly.
... but i love the house ...
You have to detach yourself from this emotionally until it's all over.
Sounds like your solicitor is looking after you, follow their advice.
Hang tough!
Also if the sale of your own house is going through, you might have to face the possibility of renting until you move into your new house. Don't let the fact that you need to be out of your own house make you rush into any hasty decisions.
2 years on the market and now they have that well-known property magnate A.N. Other, Esq as well as yourselves interested in a Dublin fix-me-up at a price in excess of last year's - yeah, right and pigs might fly.
this post and some of the others are making a dangerous assumption that there is no other interested party. The OP has stated that this house is the one for them and it suits all the needs so they cannot simply detach themselves from the transaction, it's human nature to be emotionally involved. The fact that the EA has put pressure on the OP is because they are afraid of losing the sale. I have had situations where bids have gone beyond asking and it gets to the point that you are worried about the eventual winner and will they actually close. The problem being that if the OP drags their heels long enough and then decides that they want to pull out, the EA may well have lost the underbidder and will also have to agree at a lower price if the underbidder is still there.

I wouldn't get worked up about the Ea's phone call even though he didn't handle himself very well, just let your solicitor carry on with their searches and let the deal follow its natural course.

also copy the vendors, letting them know how you feel at this kind of treatment by their agent.

I wouldn't really be surprised if the aggressive phonecall was at the behest of the vendor.
have you seen the Map of available houses in south dublin on
You're a dying breed of purchser if your going to let the seller/EA take advantage of your keeness for the house
have you seen the Map of available houses in south dublin on
You're a dying breed of purchser if your going to let the seller/EA take advantage of your keeness for the house

Surely even the negative camp can see that not all houses are the same, there are instances (like this) where the property is a little out of the ordinary so market rules do not necessarily apply.
id love to complain him to someone.

IAVI or IPAV are the two main bodies, both have complaints procedures. The course of action that I would take is deal directly with EA, explain in a letter how you feel his actions were inapproriate and unprofessional and that you were carrying out your business in a professional manner and you would wish that he do the same. He can begin so with an apology. After that does it really matter how ignorant he was? Just stick to your guns and concentrate on making sure that everything goes through in the correct manner and that your solicitor is thorough in his searches.
The EA sounds like a bully to me. You only went sale agreed 4 weeks ago and have had your survey, the ea of all people should know that these things take time, 4 weeks is hardly dragging your heels! He obviously knows how much you want this house and that is why he is acting like this. It is a buyers market. Try to think logically about this. If you were selling this house which has been on the market for 2 years and you find a buyer, go sale agreed, buyer is getting survey done etc, 4 weeks down the line would you really want to risk it all and say oh I want to go with the other bidder as I feel I am being messed about. The other interested party will have to go through the exact same motions as you, survey etc. You need to have firm words with the ea as he is really stressing you out. Let him know that you are buying the property but you won't be bullied into rushing anything. My friend is buying at the moment and has a similar scenario yet the other interested party couldn't even afford the asking price, my friend bid higher as she really wanted this property. Things are going at a steady enough pace, delays with letter of offer from bank etc which has now come through, but she was getting similar calls to yourself. I know its very hard but you have to try and not get so emotionally involved, which I understand is very difficult when you already see this house as your home. Best of luck.
I hope none of the 5 siblings or the EA are reading this thread (which they well may be). Then again it sounds like they have squeezed a great price out of you anyway, so them reading this will not probably affect anything.

I do sympathise as you are caught between a rock and a hard place. Sounds like you may be paying over the odds, but you really really want the house.

If you are determined to buy it, then I honestly don't think you are in any danger of losing the house. You have prob gone to your limit anyway (don't answer that! you are too easy to identify from this and all your previous posts).

I am absolutely raging now at the moment, have we done the right thing?

Only you can decide that, hope the opinions have helped.

are they auctioneers trying to bully us into signing quickly in case we back out now?

Maybe, maybe not. There *may* be a phantom bidder. But then again maybe not. You are best placed to decide on that.

I think you are just emotionally upset and angry with the EA as you fear losing the house. Maybe he is playing on that fear, to speed up and complete the sale, and make you feel even more determined to 'win' the house. He has hit the right button with you for sure.

Try to detach yourself emotionally from the transaction. Its not easy.

Then step back and analyse: do I really want this house at this price? Or am i being swept along? Is my impending homelessness blinding me to this house transaction?

There are plenty more fine houses for sale. Make sure this is the right house at the right price, as it is a massive purchase.

Good luck.
looking at it in a detached way the only thing that matters is that you get the house you want at a price you're willing to pay for it (treat the EA as nothing more than an administrator to the deal).

If the house is unique then that reduces your bargaining position, you need to ask yourself if it really is that unique.

finally, I have to question the trustworthiness of sales people who resort to bullying. Phantom bids are a worry for all buyers, in my mind an EA needs to be seen to be professional to gain the trust of the buyer.
worried now im easily identifable so i have removed previous posts. nothing from ea today. i will keep ye posted, i am trying not to stress too much, it is difficult
worried now im easily identifable so i have removed previous posts. nothing from ea today. i will keep ye posted, i am trying not to stress too much, it is difficult

you need to relax, EA's aren't scouring the net for a hint of a paniced buyer so don't worry about that. The best thing for you is just let your solicitor get on with things and don't let anything bother what sounds like is going to be your dream home. Concentrate on the positives and why you liked the house in the first place.
mrman thanks a million for your post. yet to hear anything back from any party, so im taking that as good news at this stage.
thanks again
You are obviously completely sold on this house and nothing anyone can say will change your mind. In that case, I really think you have nothing to worry about, I feel sure that you will not be gazumped in this market.

Don't let the EA upset you, tell him to wind his neck in.

and BTW I don't think EA's are scouring the web looking for panicked buyers, but some of them may cast an eye on this forum, and with the number of vendors involved as well, I just thought it best to point this out and I think you are right to be discreet. Wasn't trying to add to your stress.

Best of luck and give us an update when you get the keys!
If you hang tough and then they still want to proceed then it is obvious there is or was no other buyer. Why not turn the tables on the EA and tell him you have found another house and you want to pull out - look for 10K off the price etc.?