Online storage of excel spreadsheet


Registered User
Hi All

I need something and i do not know if it exists and i don't know how to describe it so i couldn't google it!! good start eh?

I need to share an excel spreadsheet between a few different people in different locations. I want to be able to access it as if it was on my computer i.e. there will be a shortcut on my desktop. I should be able to access it through excel easily enough also. I know there are things like that would allow me to store the file online but this will not do as it involves downloading the file onto the local computer, updating it and uploading it to replace the one online.

I am IT literate but no expert - I suppose i need an ftp location that anyone can access with the right user/password. Can i then set up a shortcut to this location?

I can set this up myself is someone can point me in the right direction. alternatively if anyone knows of an existing provider of this service i would like to hear about it!!


Google docs may be able to help, have a look at:

I have done this for text based files by setting up a gmail account and giving the other users the password, that way everyone can access the file and make whatever changes are necessary.

That said, the stuff I'm talking about isn't top secret, I'm not sure I'd use it if the information was very confidential.
I took a look at it alright.

The files are complex enough and will be used a lot. I would like to be using the file in excel and that it would automatically update on the server when it auto saves etc. The risk is that we share through google docs but someone is busy and forgets to update the file online.

I suppose what i need is a "location" in excel that refers to an FTP location. i.e. I will have desktop, my documents, remote ftp location etc

Thanks for the replies so far !!
i have sorted it. i set up an ftp account for £6 per year. I have uploaded the excel documents and set up the ftp location as a default location in ms office. v handy.

thanks to all
Have you considered the security issues involved if the files are of a sensitive nature?
the ftp site is password protected as are the individual excel spreadsheets. The only places the ftp locations will be stored are on the 3 laptops belonging to myself and the other 2 directors.

2 different passwords I should mention.

the data is confidential but i would not go as far as to say it is highly sensitive. It would not be of much use to anyone other than ourselves.
The risk is that we share through google docs but someone is busy and forgets to update the file online.

You upload (once) or create a file on google docs. You then share that file with multiple users. Each time a user edits all the rest see immediatly the changes. Even better, ALL edit histories are stored and you can roll back to which ever particular version you want.

Using ftp to share an excel file seems like a kludge when you have something like Google Docs around

Do you really need to be able to open it in Excel each time? Google Docs will export to excel when you need to but for the most part I think it will stay online?

Your method is going to cause a lot of pain at some stage. Two people editing at the same time overwriting each others data , people forgetting to upload. etc...
Sounds like MS sharepoint would do the came up with this site. 20 dollars a month for 500mb is pretty cheap for the ease of use and compatibility. Sharepoint is the bees knees. But if you are looking for is probably your only man.