Online seller in the US for PC components.


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I'll be visiting the states for two weeks and was wondering what reputable online sites exist other than, for buying PC components. Something along the lines of or
Definitely check out and Good prices and service imo on newegg. Not sure about the other, no experience but have been recommended many times.
Nothing like keeping Irish people in Irish jobs.....It is expensive here but shop cleverly and you will find what you seek at good prices
Any Irish based sites offering PC components at competitive prices? I would gladly support Irish if I could find the same quality at the same or less price of the usual online sources.

A company I approached in Ireland to make up a specialised pc cable made a big deal of having to make it up, it would cost €120, which I ordered, weeks went by ... no cable so I cancelled the order. I went on the net, ordered it from the US on Thursday, had it the following Tuesday and it cost $34 all in.

I have ordered from China, Hong Kong, the US and England .... all promptly delivered .....

I would still prefer to support Irish .... but does the site exist?
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You may be keeping Polish people in jobs shopping here -it's a global economy so if you can get a hard drive from Australia for €60 compared to say €90 here you get it from Australia. No point in worrying about jobs. The Company's here dont worry when they outsource work to India for example.

You must remember that apart from directly creating employment Irish Businesses pay Rip-off Rates, Rip-off Taxes, Rip-off Phone Bills, Rip-off Sewarage & Water Charges, Rip-off ESB Bills etc. etc. which pay for the over inflated salaries, Retirement Handouts & Pensions of Irish Civil Servants and state services, Eircom & ESB employees.
Spot on Kingdom and if everybody was like theresa1 we could turn the light out and go to India with her. If we don't try supporting each other - putting globalisation to one side - we have no chance.
Definitely check out and Good prices and service imo on newegg. Not sure about the other, no experience but have been recommended many times.

Thanks for the pointers. I actually found a Fry's Electronics store in Ausin. What a shop and what an experience. The service and technical knowledge of the sales staff left me so astounded that I suffered no pangs of guilt splashing out in America, rather than in Ireland. There is very little patriotism left in me.