Online guide for potential home-buyers


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[broken link removed] is a recently-launched site by the Irish Home Builders Association (IHBA), a constituent association of the Construction Industry Federation.
This site should be taken with a major pinch of salt.

Builders tell FTBs that it a great time to buy a house.

Homefacts, more like Spinfacts
This site should be taken with a major pinch of salt.

Builders tell FTBs that it a great time to buy a house.

Homefacts, more like Spinfacts

Perhaps. But the actual process of buying is clearly set out. And thats worth something.

The rent-or-buy case studies do not take account of service charges, house insurance, life insurance or the opportunity cost of your deposit.
From the homepage of that site:

[broken link removed]
[broken link removed]
[broken link removed]

Irresponsible propaganda in my opinion!
Yes there's a fair amount of pro-builder puff on the site. But if you look past that, there's also plenty of well laid out, useful information on it, particularly on the left-hand buttons of the Home page.
This must be the Home Builder Association response to try to drum up some business! What a joke
Whatever it is about Irish people they really love to get down and gloomy the more doom and negativity the better. By the way I haven't a vested interest in the site you are talking about.
Heaven forbid, a business trying to generate more business through a marketing initiative. Take it with a pinch of salt, all marketing is slightly biased!
Heaven forbid, a business trying to generate more business through a marketing initiative. Take it with a pinch of salt, all marketing is slightly biased!

This site does fall under advertising standards so I have an issue with the spin doctoring. The site name is Facts are not slightly biased.
Is this correct?

[broken link removed]
This site does fall under advertising standards so I have an issue with the spin doctoring. The site name is Facts are not slightly biased

If you read many of the threads on any given day most facts are tinged with a slight bias as is normal. People often present facts but not present them in their true context, I wouldn't lose sleep over how you perceive a website is spin doctoring.