Online gambling in pubs


Registered User
Hi there

Does anybody know the legal standing re: gambling on the internet in pubs. I was under the impression that a publican would need to have a bookies license in order to have any type of betting on his premises but if I was in a wi-fi enabled hot spot with my laptop,having a pint and playin a game of online poker on Paddy Power, who is breaking the law?Me,PP or the pub?? If that is illegal then how come so many texas hold'em tournaments are being held all over the country?

As far as I am aware, texas holdem tournaments are not entirely legal, however my understanding is that authorities turn a blind eye to this activity. Online poker in pubs....all the publican is doing is allowing customers to use the internet in his/her premises. No laws being broken there.
surely holdem in pups is regarded as a competition.You pay the entrance fee and can win a prize.No further cash outlay is required.