Online book of condolence for Manuela Riedo

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Exactly Thank you Ci1
No worries, I immediately got what you were saying.

Unfortunately, discussing a topics on internet boards is just words on computers at the end of the day.

Discussing things as sensitive and lets admit it upsetting as this case it is hard to add tone, depth or feeling when you type words so some people take things up differently to others.

right clubman?????
I didn't expect this thread to become a justice issue - it's not in Letting off Steam in order for people to Let off Steam about the girls killers or to consider the legal system and justice, it's here because I though it the only appropriate place to ask if there was an online BOC, so I coule sign it. I don't live near or in Galway and wanted to pay my respects to the poor girl who lost her life in my country as a guest/visitor of my country, I would certainly like her parents to be able to see (Online or not) that a lot people support them through this time and to illustrate there is a lot of anger, embarrasment and guilt that their child was killed in our country. So yes I think there is good reasons to sign BOC's.
I wonder do bereaved relatives really gain any comfort from books of condolence?

IMHO I think people do, in time when the realisation has set in that your loved one is not coming back, the thoughts that so many people were thinking of you during that time is help through the months ahead. It all helps.
IMHO I think people do, in time when the realisation has set in that your loved one is not coming back, the thoughts that so many people were thinking of you during that time is help through the months ahead. It all helps.
I really wonder... I also wonder do the bereaved relatives ever even read them...
I wonder would consider setting up a book of condolence. (I have no connection with RIP)
A lot of undertakers in America has a service where you can signed a book on line. A relation of mine died in a America last year and as I wasn't able to attend the funeral I found this was a very immediate way of sending my condolences.
There were books of condolences in most of the supermarkets in Galway & probably other outlets.
There were a lot of messages so I hope it will get through to the parents of Manuela how horrified we all are in Ireland over this murder.
It's so awful, words just fail me.
Discussing things as sensitive and lets admit it upsetting as this case it is hard to add tone, depth or feeling when you type words so some people take things up differently to others.

On that note, I think that now is the right time to close this thread.
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