Online auctions and buy and sell!



Good morning folks,

I'm looking for an Irish Online auction site(not ebay). I came across it last week, but never saved the address.

I'm also looking for a buy and sell forum or site. I'm familiar with buy&sell and Are there any more sites like this available in Ireland?


I'm looking for an Irish Online auction site(not ebay). I came across it last week, but never saved the address.

[broken link removed]?
Thanks for that, I've just checked it out. Does'nt look as if its that frequently visited.

I'm planning on using ebay. Does anyone have any recommendations. As I do not see too many Irish sellers on the site. Anyone with past experiences, I've heard a lot of people have being caught out i.e. fraud, non-payment etc

Sorry if this is not the correct board to post this message.



In order to ensure you don't get your fingers burnt
A) Always pay by credit card (paypal). You have some comeback when you pay by credit card
B) Ensure the seller has a good rating. I usually have a look through any complaints to see if they are serious.

mrs p did a lot of the Christmas shopping on ebay this year. everything arrived on time and payment was painless. had a few problems with an ngage we bought for master p but the guy who sold it to us gave us his email address and he helped us by email.

all in all it has been a very positive experience. going to try and sell something next - probably a slightly used ngage.........

Re: ebay......

As long as you exercise care, I would highly recommend Ebay.

I've used it over about 4 years for about 25 purchases and a few sales. I've always got what I ordered in good time, and at a price I was (obviously) willing to pay.

However, be careful. Certain items (e.g laptops) seem to have a higher risk attached - buying or selling.

Browse for a while before buying, and start with some low-value items. Always check feedback - though it's not infallible.
Have a look at the user forum to see whats happening.
Read the ebay guidance.

After a while, you get a feel for who/what's safe and a good or bad deal.
Re: ebay......

Thanks for all your good advise.

I've listed my first item for sale on ebay. I 'm not using paypal as I dont quiet understand the process and there seems to be a lot of charges involved. I'm only accepting cheques and postal orders. Is this sensible?

i use ebay a fair bit and won't waste my time with a seller who's not on paypal - I can always find another seller of same/similar product willing to accept payment via paypal which I find the fastest, handiest, and securest (as you have some comeback).

To set it up as a buyer there was a minimal charge but I do believe they do hit each transaction when you are selling, not sure how much for though as I've never sold anything.