Ongoing Development - Dundalk


Registered User
Hi all,

I am trying to find out the name of an ongoing development in the Dundalk area. It is being constructed by Coalport Building Company and my understanding is that the structure is now in place but the interior/exterior has not yet been completed.

I have tried the usual searches but I think that the Planning Permission docs are usually lodged by the architects whose name I don't know.

Any help or tips on where to go next greatly appreciated!
Might just have to check golden pages for architects in Dundalk and try phoning them.

Van Dijk are one of the larger firms who seem to get a lot of business - you could maybe start with them.
Please excuse my ignorance, I probably should know this but where is the Coalport Building Company?? If I know where it is exactly I may be able to help you.
Thanks for the replies.

Coalport Building Company are the construction company who are working on the development in Dundalk. Their main office is in Holles Street in Dublin but it is the name of the development or further information about the Dundalk development that I am after.
Call them

Coalport Building Co
1 Holles St Dublin 2

(01)6344900 good old

Heard bad things about one of their developments in Dublin from purchasers though, lots of problems.
My fault - not reading the original question properly:eek:

Whereabouts in Dundalk is the actual development?
At the moment there is a lot of developments in and around Dundalk that have not yet been completed I'm afraid. Is it residential or commercial?
That's great, thanks for your help.

Seems to be a follow up application for a sub station rather than the whole development but definitely points me in the right direction.

Thanks again.