One Tenant (Wife) Moving Out


Registered User
I have long term tenants living in my rental property. They are a couple with two young kids. I have had very little contact with them as they always pay the rent on time. They have very low rent as it is in a RPZ and I was slow to increase rent before RPZ came in.
The husband recently contacted me to say that his wife and kids are moving home to Eastern Europe for a few months and would it be okay if he kept the property and rented out the second room. Initially I thought this was okay but the more I think about it, the more I think they might be separating and he wants to sub-let the spare room. This could impact in the way the property is kept/maintained. It also sounds like it could be for an extended period because he mentioned 6 months.
I initially thought it would be okay but I am now having second thoughts.
Is this grounds for termination?
I don't see how it could be grounds for termination.

He asked your permission. If the lease requires him to get your permission, then you can refuse it.

Personally I would say no.

If your tenant leaves and the sharer(s) is/are still there, you have an even bigger headache.
Is it an option to refuse the tenant permission to sublet the second bedroom?
The original lease was for both the husband and wife.
I think you need to have another discussion with him. Find out if and when his wife is returning - are the children of school going age, if so there must be some valid reason for taking them out of school for so long , perhaps they are separating. Is he availing of the Revenue rent a room - if so he will get the rent tax free while you will have to pay tax on his rental to you. Who is responsible if the new tenant had an accident in your house. You need to sort all this out and then decide. On the other hand he is being upfront with you so perhaps you can do some sort of deal with him.

Isn't that only available if you rent a room in your principle private residence? It doesn't apply to investment properties.
From Revenue site:
What type of residence qualifies?
Sole or main residence
Your main residence is your home for most of the year and where friends would expect to find you. You do not have to own the property to claim relief.
The room or rooms must be in a residential property that is located in Ireland. You must use it as your main residence during the tax year.