One-parent allowance & single tax credit

  • Thread starter godsagnostic
  • Start date


Hi ... can someone explain: My girlfriend is a single parent and claims one parent allowance, rent allowance. I am divorced, my son lives with me. I am taxed as a single person with single person tax credit but also have the dependant child credit.
If my girlfriend and I move in together she loses her allowance (cohabiting) but I am not allowed to claim her tax credit ... she loses her benefit, I assume the responsibility the addtional cost of living together but cannot claim the tax credits.
Is that correct or am I entitled to claim "married" persons allowance?

It would appear that for the purpose of cutting her allowances we are a couple, cohabiting; but for the purpose of my tax credits/tax band the "cohabiting couple" doesn't count.
Yes, that's the anomaly of the Social Welfare system and Tax system in this country at the moment - you're treated as a family unit by the former, and a single person as the latter.