One for Bohs fans.


Registered User
I see notices put up by Cllr Leo Varadkar that there is a public meeting tonight at 8.00 pm in the Castleknock Hotel. The meeting is about "A stadium for Castleknock?"

I'm sure that Leo Varadkar is not a NIMBY and will welcome the arrival of the Bohs fans with open arms. Having said that I'm not so sure that the locals, living in the leafy suburbs of Castleknock, will feel the same way. Brilliant issue for someone seeking a seat in the Dail for FG in the next election to take a leading part in opposing (or maybe i'm just being cynical).

I'm also sure that the fact that the meeting will take place at the same time as the Champions League final is also coincidental. Much more enjoyable going to a meeting that sitting at home watching a match. i'd love to go to the meeting just to count the number of people in favour of the stadium.

Joan Burton TD is also holding a meeting on the same subject in Castleknock Community College on Thurs 18 May. At least she didn't clash with the Champions League.

I'm sure that there are a lot of people who support football, but don't want rampahing fans from other teams (Rovers have a reputation for this I believe) rioting on their doorstep.

I lived beside dalyer for about 5 yrs and apart from the odd bit of traffic of a friday evening you would'nt know they were.
Is the new stadium not going to be around the M50 somewhere - not exactly in the leafy suburb next door to Mylo's now is it. Why they bother relocating is beyond me - take the money and run, they'll eventually pour it down the drain that is loi soccer anyway (2,000 a week for some of their star names - money well spent!!).
The proposed stadium site is the field in Diswellstown (Oatfield) at the centre of this map to the left of the M50 West Link toll plaza.

The deal is worth c. €47M. New €21M 10,000 seater floodlit stadium with all ancillary facilities on the above site. Any cost overruns to be borne by the developer. €2M cash up front non refundable (even if the deal falls through). €1M p.a. refundable (if the deal falls through) while the development is ongoing and Bohs remain resident in Dalymount Park. €25M (less any cash payments to date) on vacation of Dalyer and occupation of the new stadium. €1M bonus when the deal completes. There may be another €1M in there that I'm missing (€48M total). Ongoing maintenance of Dalyer to be provided by the developer in the meantime. Rezoning (not PP) for Dalyer and PP for the new site are obvious pre-requisites for the deal to go through.

If the deal falls through the Bohs are €2M to the good which will clear their current debts with cash to spare. Staying in Dalyer long term is simply not a realistic option unfortunately. It would cost millions just to correct the structural and health and safety problems that exist today never mind actually engage in any significant restructuring of the stadium.

Obviously prudential supervision (by the members and their elected board of management who are all part owners of the club) is necessary to ensure that the cash is managed in the most efficient way possible. Bohemian FC is a membership based and democratically run football club. Anybody who is worried about how the club might spend the money is welcome to apply for [broken link removed] and have their say on matters. 86% of the members who voted on the rule change required to allow the board to pursue this deal said "yes".
Is there anything in place to stop new members joining and then carpetbagging the club and have the money divided out among the members?

I seem to remember hearing that there are about 500 members at present. Say another 1,000 join. Could they have the E47m or a portion of it divvied out among the 1,500 members

You are the third non member that has suggested this to me! :D To be honest, I am not familiar enough with the memorandum and articles of association of the club to say what, if any, restrictions there might be on the members changing the rules to benefit personally in this way. I presume that these documents can be obtained from the CRO if anybody wants to investigate? The current membership base is in or around 500 alright. New members must be sponsored by an existing member and their application passed by the board and/or membership committee.
would the people in castleknock prefer a housing estate or industrial estate with constant noise/traffic of an amenity which will be only used once a week or less and wont cause much/any inconvienience? gardai are always present at matches which MIGHT have trouble and even if there is trouble its usually just a few young fella's fighting each other and not any innocent passer bys. good move for bohs,we are now gonna be the chelski of the league! dont think daymount is ideal for development as theres not great access to site and the roads nearby are already crammed at peak times,but we'll take the money and let others worry about that
You never know. Us members sometimes also mix with the non member plebs! :D Mind you, since the nipper was born last September I've been a bit remiss about attending games although I do go to the meetings. :) Still have to pay my 2006 subs too! :eek:
subs??? with €48m smackeroos coming? give us a break, it will be like the dail bar for drink prices :) .
I'm from Castleknock and am delighted with the news, used to go and see the bohs every week but haven't been in ages, now they'll only be up the road
Rumour has it that the Carpenter (nearest pub) is being redecorated in Red and Black as we speak.

Past 30