On street Parking


Registered User
I've tried to search for this but haven't been able to find anything on AAM relating to my query.

I was wondering what rights residents/motorists have with regard to motorists parking outside a persons entrance. Naturally I'm aware it's illegal to park outside an entrance which is a driveway, garage etc... Does a resident have any rights when it comes to people parking outside their doorway or gateway?

I witnessed an altercation between a home owner and a motorist this evening and wondered who actually was in the right. As far as I could see the car was parked outside this persons doorway. The doorway wasn't a garage or gateway or anything like that. The car seemed to be parked pretty neatly, enough room for the home owner to get into her entrance.

Perhaps someone could enlighten me as to the provisions that apply in such a case!

Is there legislation?

Thanks in advance!
Re: Onstreet Parking

Thanks for the reply WaterSprite

The thread helps me anyway, I can clearly see from it that the law is on the side of the motorist but what can the motorist do when the residents resorts to harassment and in some circumstances vandalising the car.

I'm very interested in this as I myself park outside a persons house but the residents actually waits for me some mornings so that I take her parking space, she likes having a car outside the house while she's at work.

Is there legislation anywhere?!
Gives a whole new meaning to 'D'you think you own the road?!'

I see it stated on the entrance of some streets 'private road' which means those who live off it own the land on which the road's built and are responsible for maintaining it etc., and I believe they have the right to order you away because they literally 'own the road'.

Otherwise, I understand that where parking is legal and does not cause an obstruction, there's nothing to prevent anyone parking a road-legal vehicle there.

Residents may take exception, but that's their hard luck. If someone threatens to damage your car, I'd phone the local Garda station and explain the situation before it might happen. No one has the right to damage your car because they take a dislike to it being legally parked in their street and I would hope that Gardai would take a threat of what is after all criminal damage quite seriously.
Two out of three cars parked long term on our road while the owners, who are not local, have gone on holiday (two weeks now) have been given parking tickets by the gardai. They are partly parked on the footpath so I don't know if the ticket is for long term parking or for parking on the footpath.