On reposession watch....Even checking the mailbox has become a frightening task!!


Registered User
One of my credit card companies (the first) have said they are coming to repossess.

Owing is 3600 euro having given me a 40 % discount to encourage me to pay. Still no help like many sad stories here. It`s going on a while now so it has come to a head it seems.

Just managing mor. and bills to date.

I have JSA ans Mrs has +- 600 euro month PT work with 2 kids, so no extra cash there. Lord knows there is nothing here worth taking most being well used or borrowed from family or friends.

MABS have been dealing with accounts on my behalf but have not been in contact recently despite updates.

Any advice?
I don't think that a credit card company can repossess anything?

A HP company can repossess a car, because they own it until all the payments have been made.

If the credit card company takes you to court and gets a judgment against you and gives it to the Sheriff, the sheriff could repossess something.
