On-line transfer from current a/c to visa


Registered User
I wanted to load my visa account with cash so that I could withdraw cash from it without incurring interest charges. When I tried to do this through my on-line banking with AIB I found that my visa account did not come up on the screen as an account option I could transfer money to from my current account. Is there any way I can transfer money from my current account to visa through on-line banking?
Hi Allen, rather than doing it as a 'money transfer' option you have to do it through the 'pay a bill' option.
I have heard that if a credit card is preloaded with cash and the card subsequently stolen the money on the card is not insured - something you may wish to check out.
Thanks Cooper, I will try the "pay a bill" method.

Also I won't "store" money in the visa for long in view of your comment re stolen card.
Yes,go into bill pay and pay into visa account.One point worth noting is check with the bank if the money paid goes into the account straight away as not so long ago even though the balance showed that it had, the payment wasnt "cleared" for a few days!
Hi, Use the pay bill facility to pay visa account but be careful to ensure you have access to the funds paid into the visa account as not too long ago the money would have to be "cleared" first and even though the balance would show that the money had gone from your account the money would not hit the visa account for a few days!
ave you ever paid a VISA bill online in this way before ?

If not, you might have to ring your banck to get it set up on your online account.
I had to do this, as my VISA card is with a different bank than my current account,
so it was not automatic.

It was pretty easy and quick to do.