On-going subscriptions from credit card


Registered User
I signed up for a subscription that I didn't use for the last couple of years. I didn't notice it being deducted from my credit card (I know, I know!)

My question is - the credit card that I gave to the provider had an expiry date of Dec 2022 - however, the provider has been deducting its fee since then, i.e. beyond the expiry date. Is this tough cheddar for me or do I have a valid an argument that this money should not have been deducted from my account? If I do have an "argument", is it with the provider or my bank?!
however, the provider has been deducting its fee since then
I didn’t think this was possible TBH. I would query it with your bank. One of the reasons expiry dates exist is to stop this kind of thing.

Generally speaking it depends on the terms of service but you can only request a chargeback from your provider 120 or 180 days after the purchase. You also have to have exhausted all avenues for a direct claim from the merchant.
There is some system in place for pre advising some services of changes to a user's card details.

It can work in your favour e.g. if you're subscribed to a service in another country that has since decided to restrict users adding a card from outside their country.

It can also save someone the 'hassle' of having to enter new card details and possibly having an interruption to the service.

In most cases though, it's setup to work against consumers, so that their grab into our accounts persists past a single card expiration.

This is one area where the likes of Revolut are very useful. Sign up to a service with your card to try it, but then immediately freeze the payment relating to that service so that you don't get charged again in the future.