on fixed, up in december, should i revert back to tracker?


Registered User
hi, i had a tracker mortgage 3 years ago, fixed for 3 years... am paying for it, but hey, that was the gamble.

the bank says i'll revert to a variable rate.... should i not revert back to the tracker?
Check your documentation from when you fixed, as it will state whether you would go onto tracker/standard variable rate after the fixed period.

If it says tracker, then hold them to it.
Forget about trackers mate. The banks have been burned so bad they are offering to redeem them at less than face value. To many 1.4% deals in place which they are losing money on.
Yes revert to tracker...if its on your original letter of loan offers.

If you have not kept your own copy, your solicitor , bank or broker will have acopy of this.

The tracker condition will be marked on it if it applies to your mortgage.
@ HighFlier... what's the problem with trackers... i thought they were the best deal out there?

also does anyone know the best fixed rates out there... i'm finding sites like aib very bad for giving out this simple information... cheers
As your fixed rate is not up until December, you should wait until around mid November to compare the fixed rates on offer as they are likely to change between then and now.

To be fair to AIB, their rate page is quite simple

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