Omagh Murder #notinmyname

I was sick when I heard this. A 25 yr old life snuffed out for a meaningless dogma with no support. And again Omagh was targetted. Heartbreaking.
Not long ago though that our friends in SFIRA were using the very same tactics, and now they have 13 seats in the Dail. How quickly we forget...
Not long ago though that our friends in SFIRA were using the very same tactics, and now they have 13 seats in the Dail. How quickly we forget...

Very sad news to hear. Doesn't matter to these thugs that they have little or no support, they will keep on doing it anyway.

As for the SFIRA comment, I too find it a bit difficult when I heard SF now come on the media and condemn these murders, saying that they have no support and are only harming the country. After all this applied exactly the same to the IRA during the Troubles, but they kept doing it anyway.

In SFs argument, one was right, now the same thing is totally abhorrent. Go figure.
So sad.......... Terrible to think that human beings can decide to do something like this to a fellow human being. I agree with Salaried. Total cowards.

And I agree with RMCF as well about the Shinners. I absolutely despise them. The ultimate opportunists.

I'm no fan of SF but...SF have changed. They have acknowledged their "mistakes" (ugh, I hate writing this), they now have a mandate, support the Police, GF agreement etc. SF bashing is easy (they make it very easy) but we have to accept that former "terrorists" becoming regular politicians is a common phenomenon. We can think of Nelson Mandela, and the founders of this state.

PS. Mrs Kerr statement (Ronan's mother) was incredibly brave. She will probably do more to bring support to the Police and condemnation to the murderers than any political statement from anyone.
If anyone wants evidence that the attitude of Northern Nationalists have changed just conside the one minutes silence impeccably observed at the the Tyrone football match yesterday in Dungannon. It is clear that the PSNI have the support of both communities and the disidents are living in a different age.

Of course we can have our arguments against Sinn Fein but the more that they are drawn in to the political system the further they will move from any support for violence. They have come out very strong against the murder
Before I say anything I stress I'm not a Shinner voter, never have been, never will be,

but in the republican mythology, from the early 70's to the mid 90's they feel they were "at war", with the "security forces" - so RUC were fair game in their view. They viewed the RUC as a sectarian police force (probably some truth to that). But now the "war" is over.

Also, while they never admit it, there was a fairly sectarian streak in republicanism so thats what makes the current killing of a catholic PSNI officer "worse". Attacks on PSNI officers in the last few years seem to be targeted on "gaels" - Irish speaker in Antrim, staunch GAA man at weekend.

So, in view of the above, SF can easily differentiate between killings before and after (in my own view the 'long war' was pointless).

Its hard to rationalise how dissidents feel they are achieving anything, they are targeting the nationalist community. Mad dogs - so in that sense I do feel SF are genuine in their condemnation.
The thing that bothers me is that, having lived in the North and being aware of how 'things' operate there, SFIRA with their intelligence network have to know who did this and who killed the other Catholic PSNI officer in Craigavon in March 2009.

If this is the case, I am convinced that it is, and they are speaking out against those who committed these attrocities, then why doesn't SFIRA deal with these idiots?
Not long ago though that our friends in SFIRA were using the very same tactics, and now they have 13 seats in the Dail. How quickly we forget...
You can blame your last government for Sinn Fein's popularity boom, no one else.
How should they 'deal' with them? Should that not be left to the police, who supposedly have these splinter groups riddled with informers anyway?
How should they 'deal' with them? Should that not be left to the police, who supposedly have these splinter groups riddled with informers anyway?
They should use their newfound verbal powers of persuasion to stop them from destroying the peace in the North.

They know who these dissidents are and could stop them at the drop of a hat - one wonders why they don't.
Maybe a dose of their own medicine might work...that's all they seem to understand, after all.

Utter scum.

Well, it's that sort of thinking that led to collusion between the British Army and loyalist paramilitaries. To maintain the moral highground it has to be done by the book and there has to be justice seen to be done.

Unfortunately though, I don't think that sufficient punishment exists within the law to sufficiently teach these people a lesson for their actions.

If they are imprisoned for life, they will either use their imprisonment and bitterness to justify their actions. Alternatively, they will turn to God in prison, ask God's forgiveness, feel they have been granted it and then hey presto, slate is wiped clean.

I think that the most we can hope for is to have them permanently excluded from society.
It is legitimate for SF to make a political statement condemning this e.g. futile, no support, won't derail the "peace" process etc.

But IMHO SF have absolutely no authority to morally condemn actions which were their modus operandi until they judged that tactically/politically that strategy wasn't really getting them anywhere.