Olympus C170 Digital Camera.

Sue Ellen

Hi All,

Know nothing about digital cameras and thinkin of buying this one in

What do all you knowledgeable people think - is it already out of date or is it worth investing in. I note that Argos do not allow their usual 16 day return on digital cameras.

Thanks for any advice.

€145 isn't a bad price, it's £89 + p&p on 7dayshop. €55 is a bit steep for the 128Mb card, tbh.

I haven't seen any reviews of that particular camera other than from (fairly happy) owners, but Olympus would generally be considered a pretty good brand, and that model looks like it would cope fine with everyday snaps. One thing I'd fault it on at that price is the absence of a zoom (other than the 4x digital zoom, which is really just the same as cropping the picture afterwards). For example, 7dayshop also sell the C-370Z / D-535 for two quid less. That has fewer Mp (3.2 instead of 4), but a 3x zoom. Depends which is more important to you..!

[Edit: just looked on Pixmania and for €194 incl VAT & delivery you can buy the C170 complete with a 128Mb card and a battery charger with 4 rechargeable AA batteries. And a 2-year warranty. I'd go for that over the Argos promotion :) ...or browse around Pixmania for similar 'specials'?]
I would normally trawl through dpreview.com but this model doesn't seem to be there, possibly due to its age. I also checked the Olympus forum on the above site and no reference there either, I would be a little skeptical to buy something without at least some review. I have an Olympus C50 which I managed to drop and still works perfectly even with a noticable dent in the side. I would recommend an Olympus but would prefer someone's elses experiences / review before opening the wallet/purse!

the [broken link removed] gives a full spec.
Re: Olympus C170 Digital Camera on dpreview.com

It's there all right, but it's called the D-425 in the US. [broken link removed]

But there's only one (rather brief) user review - and another one over on http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/customer-reviews/B0007CZ308/ref=cm_rev_all_1/103-4823175-5783005?%5Fencoding=UTF8&s=photo (Amazon).