Oldest ATM card in circulation


Registered User
I've got a still working AIB Banklink ATM card from 1988, the year before the Berlin Wall came down.

Can anyone beat that?
Think you're mixing up your table quiz dictators beginning with Zeds. The other fella was called Zog.
Any idea why they never replaced your card? Is it ATM only or combined (e.g. cheque guarantee, Laser - presumably not since it predates it - Cirrus/Plus+/Maestro etc.)
It's an ATM only card for a "cashsave" account with a tragically low interest rate.

All my other cards are replaced every two years but this one soldiers on.
Hi GeneralZod, I have one from 1994! not as good as yours but it's also AIB, started life as a student account, moved to cashsave and is now current! 12 years later still going strong. In fact a friend of mine has an even older one, it's got the blue and white stripes which AIB had before they changed their colours!
apologies general. dyslexia. (causes me to lose money with the bookies. i keep getting the winning bet mixed up.)
shoegal said:
In fact a friend of mine has an even older one, it's got the blue and white stripes which AIB had before they changed their colours!

That's the one I've got. The colour scheme is eye popping.
i got one from 1920 discover low apr with cashsave
Did some googling and got a lot of hits.

[broken link removed] claims to have been the first to introduce ATMs to Ireland, with 4 in O'Connell Street in 1968.
This does not appear to be a true ATM as we know it today.

Bank of Ireland's [broken link removed] says they introduced the first PASS machine in 1980.

AIB don't seem to have a history on-line.

The first true ATM with magnetic strip, PIN and functionality appears to have been introduced in New York in 1971.
Here's another [broken link removed] from the summer 2000 issue of Invention and Technology magazine.
Jaysus - are we anoraks or wha'? Anyway, this Wikipedia article on ATMs includes a history section which might be of interest in the context of the current discussion. Interesting to see that ATM patents were registered in the 1930s!
GeneralZod said:
Think you're mixing up your table quiz dictators beginning with Zeds. The other fella was called Zog.

There's no doubt about it, but wikipedia brings you down strange paths.

This King Zog guy, didya read how many fags he smoked per day

yeah no doubt, in contrast I have a record number of new cards due to loss of existing cards.
I have an EBS ATM Card and they never update them. I have had the same one for 13 years!
Another student one here from '94. I always get a funny look/comment about the age of the card when doing transactions in the branch (BOI). It still works so no need to change it.
GeneralZod said:
I've got a still working AIB Banklink ATM card from 1988, the year before the Berlin Wall came down.

Can anyone beat that?

I have one from 88 as well. Blue and white. Heard on the Jerry Ryan show a few years ago a guy called in and said he had one from 84.