Older dog hates new puppies - help?


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I have a 10 year old dog who is slowing down a lot, so I thought if I got another puppy it would cheer her up. To cut a long story short, I've ended up with 2 new puppies for about 10 days now. The old dog seems to hate them and won't tolerate them around her. She barks at them if they are together. I am not sure if she is jealous or a bit afraid of them. She has never had any problem with other dogs just these puppies. Any advice would be appreciated.

You need to understand how your old dog is feeling - she is probably surprised, frightened and threatened by having new dogs invading her territory and her 'pack' (you and your family). Also remember that two puppies would be overwhelming to a human, let alone a relatively elderly dog who probably hasn't seen a puppy since she was one herself! Try the old remedies i.e. swap their blankets around so your existing dog gets used to the scent, keep them in separate rooms but leave the door ajar so they can sniff each other etc. Talk to your vet about ways to introduce the new arrivals. Also, give your old dog lots of attention and treats.
Thanks for the advice Sherman, I will try it out. As it is, I have to keep them separated.
i'm minding a very small puppy for my sister at the moment and i have a young dog myself (a 9 month old golden Retriever) although my guys not old he has certainly got used to his area & the undivided attention of myself and Mr. Legalhawk and is slightly put out by this little puppy who is a tiny 9 wk old westie, so the size difference is huge! i've been keeping them separated, i introduced the little guy to my guy but i firstly held the small guy and have slowly let him on the ground, we are falling over ourselves to drown our guy with attention and try not to let the puppy get too much attention or let the puppy invade in our dogs space, the puppy attempted to eat his food drink,drink his water & climb into his bed so that was nipped in the bud straight away. your dog is well older so i can't blame his nose being put out, i suppose reassurance is the main thing, supervision at all times when they're together for the moment and patience.

best of luck with it.
I second all the above. We got a new puppy last year when our older guy was 14! At first it seemed a disaster as hes quite a snappy fellow but we took it very slow and put puppy in the crate so senior could sniff but not be too frightened. Meanwhile senior was fussed over, fed first, etc. to show him he was the top dog! After a week or so I could hold junior and let top dog wander round beside me and he was happy with that. Gradually I went down to his level holding junior and letting him come to me if he felt ready. After about several weeks I could let puppy on the floor, still holding on to him and senior sniff etc. To my absolute amazement senior was quite happy and sniffed her and followed her around! He hated her jump or try to play though! A year later hes a way happier dog, not at all snappy any more and they are like soulmates although hes quite elderly now. My big advice is take it slow and don't let her get scared especially as you have two puppies!!! Keep them separate as best you can (crates are super in that situation) and let all three find their space. Best of luck with them!
Thanks for the great advice. I realise that it is going to be a slow process now. I have a crate for the puppies which is great. I will do a suggested i.e. big fuss over old dog, and I like the idea of holding the puppies (one at a time) and let the old dog sniff rather than having them both tearing away at her and scaring the life out of her. Thanks again - I am following all suggestions.
If the puppies are old enough take all three out on a lot of walks to green areas where you can let them loose. This way they aren't in the older's dogs territory and they have enough space to move away from each other if they want to. Also the smells etc of the outdoors will distract them while they get used to each other. We had a dog for four years and then adopted a ten month old terrier from the dspca. We walked them for hours around the local field and let them play and sniff before bringing the new dog into the house. They now get on like a house on fire.
Her reaction is no different than that of a pensioner who has to share a house with 2 teenagers
A quick update since I posted this 2 weeks ago - have been following all the advice, kept them separated then introduced the pups one at a time (holding them in my arms) and letting the old dog sniff them. Did this for a few days just 20 minutes at a time. Then I let the pup down and after a few initial barks from the old dog, they actually started to play! I am now able to bring the 2 puppies in to the kitchen with the old dog and they play quite happily for about 30 minutes, at which point the old dog goes to the door to escape.

Yesterday I put all three out in the garden together and they chewed bones and played together for about 2 hours - happy days indeed! Going to do the same again today.

The only problem remaining is when the old dog tries to go the the toilet, the pups annoy her, so I keep them in their crate when old dog needs to go out.

In a week after their final vaccinations, I will be able to let them walk around the fields together and I think this will be a big help also. But, thanks again for all the advice, it is certainly working, slowly but surely.