Old Voucher - What do I do next


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Other half purchased a voucher for me just under 5 years ago for a cookery school, at the time you could use voucher for in person cookery classes, cookery books etc. Intention was to use for one of the in person cookery classes they were advertising at the time.

Covid hit and everything was put on hold, other half contacted said cookery school in 2022 asking whether in person cookery classes has resumed but received no response, it seems from their social media they were doing virtual classes, which would not of appealed.

However, since 2022, there has been no activity on their social media page for said cookery school and clicking on any link redirects to another website associated with same person. So, not sure did they rebrand, or set up a new company etc.

Checking on LinkedIn, person seems to have an end date with original cookery school and a start date with new cookery school, so they seem to be distinguishing between them.

Tried to contact them recently on old email address but no response and no sign of email bouncing back. Finding it hard to get in touch with them through new website, but hopefully I should be able to find a way to contact them.

Ideally, I am looking for them to honour the voucher and offer an in person class. If they no longer offer an in person class, I’m not really interested in a virtual recorded class. However, I accept that that is maybe tough luck and I need to deal with it.

But, if original company who voucher was purchased with, no longer exists (needs to be confirmed or was it a rebrand) am I entitled to some sort of refund?

Hi Jimmy, You fell down on the job of getting value from a Voucher. You’re not the first and won’t be the last to fall victim to getting little or nothing from such. It looks like you are at the mercy of whoever issued the voucher or the outfit that replaced them.

If you are getting no responses to emails or telephone calls or social media try visiting the company and perhaps some kind of compromise can occur? Failing that you can whistle Dixie and kiss goodbye to your voucher.

For the record:-
1. I advised all of mine, relations, friends, in-laws, outlaws and anybody who is prepared to listen that never (repeat never) buy any kind of gift voucher for me. This especially includes Ryanair vouchers (another caper).
2. I also informed them that I won’t be offended by a gift of Hard Cash.
3. I am prepared to make an exception for Dunnes Stores gift vouchers, but for nobody else.

Best of Luck and if anybody takes offence to my reply just learn the lyrics of Dixie.
If you can flag it on any of their social media you might get a response. If they have Instagram or Facebook etc. Often a question there gets answered swiftly.

I had a similar voucher but luckily the business also had a restaurant and allowed me to use the voucher for take away in covid.
Thanks, the lady in question does seem to have a social media presence through her newer current enterprise.

So, I may reach out that way.