Old style tilly lamp


Registered User
Not exactly sure of the details here so if some of my post is a little off please feel free to correct and let me know.... could explain part of the reason why I've had so much finding relevant information on it.

I'm looking to pick up some old style lamps as a present for a family member. They've always said that they'd love to have a pair of old style tilly lamps hanging either side of the fireplace as a decorative feature. I've kinda had an eye out for a few years hoping to stumble upon these, but searches of Galway, Cork and Dublin antique shops have turned up little to nothing (apparently one had a pair up until about a week before my visit but didn't have any plans to source any more... even with a cash incentive to do so).

As its coming up to a birthday for the person I assumed I'd pop onto the net and pick them up no problem.... how wrong I was. I'm assuming that maybe it’s my terminology that’s off, but I have tried looking at antique auction sites etc and can't find anything similar to help rephrase my searches.

Basically looking for slightly antique looking, cast iron (basically just dark metallic - not sure if the lamps were ever made from CI), and decorative lamp. I don't think the person is too concerned with the previous use of the piece (i.e. a nice old oil lamp may be as good as the old tilly style lamp) more just the aesthetics of it.

As you can see, knowledge of the area on my part is very thin on the ground. If anyone could provide info on a possible place to source this type of thing or even just clear up slightly what I should be looking for I'd be extremely grateful.

I know exactly what you're looking for Satanta and I'll make enquiries for you. I know someone in Limerick who used to stock a lot of these. I'll PM you if I have any luck.
ribena said:
I know exactly what you're looking for Satanta

That makes one of us :D
I've a lovely picture in my head of what it is (I'm guessing from old movies over the years) but can't for the life of me ever remember seeing one in a shop and struggled when it came to describing it.