old pvc windows - traffic noise


Registered User

I'm living near a road and can hear some traffic noise from upstairs even with then pvc windows installed. They were there with the original house so they are about 14 years old. Will I just get the windows replaced or can I do something with the existing windows to reduce noise?

doberden said:

I'm living near a road and can hear some traffic noise from upstairs even with then pvc windows installed. They were there with the original house so they are about 14 years old. Will I just get the windows replaced or can I do something with the existing windows to reduce noise?


You could look into tripple glazing other than that theres not much more you can do.

Good Luck ;)
Have you checked that they all close properly. Some of our old windows did not close properly and because of this we were able to hear the traffic outside. Since we got new ones this has stopped. You could get somebody to adjust them but you might just be throwing your money away.
The older windows probably feature a smaller air/ gas cavity between the panes, thus reducing its effectiveness in terms of sound absorption. I'd say it's impractical and not cost effective to attempt to reglaze these existing windows with a new (thicker) glazed unit and the existing rebate will certainly not accommodate a triple glazed unit. The draught seals may also not as effective as when new, adding to your sound woes. If this is a real problem for you perhaps you could consider total replacement, but this sounds like a very expensive option for windows which should be good for another 10 or 15 years. Good heat retention and sound absorption can achieved by hanging heavy, lined curtains- not much good to you during daylight hours but should help at night.