Old Debts


Registered User

I have a question and i am hoping one of you will have an answer.

About 8 years ago i took out a loan for €2,500, had a credit card with a limit of €3,000 and had a debit card with my bank at the time and over drew the account by €2,000. I never cleared these debts in full.

My question is because these are old debts and the house i was living in at the time i have moved out over 5 years ago, the banks dont have my new address. I want to know if i stop paying these back is there a way of them finding out where i now live. They also dont show up on my ICB check and if i was applying for a mortgage how far would the bank check my address history?

These are current debts on old loans.

Pervious posts indicate that you have 14,000 in savings and 10,000 as a gift.
Why not use that money to pay you debts?

The question is akin to asking if you fill your shopping trolley with goods, and leave the shop without paying, will you get caught by the CCTV pictures ...
I agree with pedro1 and zulu2002, the only reason to ask that question is that you are contemplating reneging on your CURRENT debts. If you have the means, pay them off and stop trying to steal money from others (you obtained the loans, you agreed to pay them back, you are liable for the amount owed including all interest you agreed to - did you do that under false pretence?). If you don't have the means, enter into negotiation to agree an affordable repayment plan.

Lots of ways of finding people's address ash26. Most people use their address to receive things (post, bills, guests, etc) so most people happily and habitually tell others their name and address repeatedly during any given year. Don't assume your ICB record is squeaky clean either, if you used a variation of your then address when applying for your loan then it wouldn't necessarily appear if you asked ICB for a different variation.