Old debts appearing on CCR

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Speak to a Solicitor about the statute barring of the debt and if they agree threaten defamation and/or complain to data comissioner
Debts don't disappear. If the lender chooses to keep them on their ledgers, and not write them off, they can keep them there for ever. To make debts go away there are two main possibilities:

1) Pay the money back. Some lenders will agree to a write off in exchange for part payment. Depends on your circumstances.
2) Put yourself through a formal insolvency process as per the Insolvency Service of Ireland - see https://backontrack.ie/

Possibly not the answer that you were looking before, but anything else, such as challenging the validity of the debt in the courts, is usually a waste of time.
Did you borrow the money?
Do you owe the money?

If so, then pay it and your Credit Record will be clear in 5 years.

Many thanks for the response.
If it were that simple, it would be done, however not in a position to pay a lump some and the repayment method was not given to me.
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