Old chimneys leaking - what to do?


Registered User
Old brick chimneys (2) are leaking. Flashing gone in parts and bricks spalling, bits break off regularly. Scheduled for taking down and rebuilding with rendered blocks in spring but is there anything I can do to slow/stop leaks onto bedroom ceilings between now and then? Haven't much cash and will have to get loan to pay rebuilding costs - was quoted €4k - €5k.

Advice from those with experience would be welcome, please.
Can anyone recommend a roofer they have personally used in the Dublin south side area to repair a leaking roof. Many thanks
Probably not much help AlistairSC as we live in England, but we had two chimneys relined about three years ago at a cost of £2000. (We could smell smoke in one of the bedrooms when we lit the fire in the dining room). The material used was a lightweight lime concrete. Obviously I don't know if you have such contractors over there, but it might be worth doing a Google search on "chimney relining companies".

As far as the exterior brickqork is concerned, it may be worth gettig quotes for rendering them.

Good luck anyway.