oil pressure warning light


Registered User
When driving to work yesterday a red oil warning light came on, flashed and beeped several times for about 15 seconds and then stopped again. I drove on to work, only about another half mile. When I finished work again, I dipped the tank and the level seemed ok. Drove the car to my local garage and asked them to have a look, they just checked the level, and confirmed it was ok. The mechanic said that the red light related to the oil level, and oil pressure was an orange one, that if it was pressure he would be concerned, but to keep an eye on it and if the light came on again to bring the car back to be checked, but that it was probably a faulty sensor.

I have now checked my manual, and of course the red light is the one for pressure. I have probably driven the car about 10 miles in total since the light came on, there has been no rattles, strange noises or any difference in performance, but I'm worried I may have done serious damage. I'm going to book the car into the garage asap, but would anyone have any advice on whether the car would be safe to drive there (less than a mile) or would I be better getting a tow? When the car is still running fine is it likely to be a serious problem?
Normally when the oil pressure light comes on it is too late. Engine destroyed.

Get it checked and don't drive it.
Any sign of a leak of oil from around the oil sender which will be screwed into the cylinder block?
I'd say that if you have driven 10 miles and there's no rattles whatsoever from the engine you will probably be lucky in that its just the oil sender thats faulty. These cost very little and are an easy job to replace on most cars.
i've spotted these oil signs a number of times _) Good old reliable Ford.

I've brought my car to the garage each time (maybe the next day if I can't make it immediately) and had it refilled with oil. No problem.

Passes the NCT every time. 10 years old.

I must admit - I always worry when I see it.

The last time I had an oil pressure warning light in my trusty old escort it was game over. Engine damaged beyond repair. The mechanic told me it was too late once the light came on to do anything and that basically the light was to tell you to buy a new car.
Is there anything to check before this warning fatal light comes on. When the light comes on it seems too late so what is the point of it then other than to tell you car is finished.
The light is just advanced warning. When the light comes on, you should check oil level instantly incase you have no oil left due to impact on oil pan etc. If the level is ok, you can drive as per normal. Most probable cause is a faulty oil pressure switch, which can be replaced in minutes and cost approx €85 fitted.
Even if the level is ok it may be not safe to drive. Oil pump failure will cause the oil light to come on even if the sump is full of oil. Still fatal.
Any sign of a leak of oil from around the oil sender which will be screwed into the cylinder block?

You're asking the wrong person there!!

Phoned my breakdown company to inquire about possibility of getting a tow and they said that as I've driven the car a few times and the light has not come again since the first time its highly unlikely to be a serious problem. He said the only time he ever sees a situation like mine is when the car almost stalls, but then keeps on going, making the sensor think there is a system problem. I had missed a gear about a minute before the warning light went on, and the car chugged slightly and carried on once I got it into gear properly, so sounds about right!

Car is booked into the garage for tomorrow to get it checked over, breakdown company said it would be safe enough to drive the short distance. Will do another dip of the oil to make sure its still full and that there's no leakages. Keeping fingers crossed!!
Car back from garage and nowt wrong with it. Replaced a switch to be on safe side, total bill £31.14. Looks like I was very lucky this time!