Oil or Gas heating


Registered User
I'm renovating a house (to live in) and part of the work requires replacing the heating system, which is old, unreliable and underpowered for the size of house.

The current system is an oil burner, but I'm on a city gas supply and so could easily connect to that. I'm used to gas in my current house and love the convenience and cleanliness.....but not the bills

Should I install a new oil burner, or switch to gas? What's to consider?
Hi Giuseppe,

We have had many threads on this same subject and if use the search option and have a read of the key post you should find plenty of info therein.

Best of luck with the job.
Don't know about oil burning boilers but we changed our decrepit old gas boiler for a combi gas boiler. Best money spent in a long time as it only fires up when you want hot water or when temp drops below your desired figure. You might also want to look at condensing boilers which I am told are now even better than a combi.
The modulating combi condensing boilers (all in one!) are indeed very good, I'm using one myself since two and a half winters.
Think about heavy insulation as well, this would cost only once and lasts a lifetime.
As Suellen said: check the previous posts. Sedbuk etc..
Giuseppe said:
. I'm used to gas in my current house and love the convenience and cleanliness.....but not the bills

Strange i thought you had to pay for oil too.