Oil finish on engineered floors


Registered User
I am about to purchase engineered distressed maple for two rooms in my house for floating floors. I notice that the finish is called OIL FINISH does anybody know what this means and how is the floor maintained? I love the look of the floor but want a fairly quiet life I do not want to be on my knees waxing for the next 30 years, advice sorely needed.
I would think the 'oil finish' relates to the final finishing layer, probably a urethane varnish - there would tyopically be a few layers on a floor. Some floors may be waxed after installation, but don't think this is strictly necessary.

Maple floor is very hard wearing and is used on sports arenas (basket ball courts, squash courts etc). Domestically, I think it should be more than up to the job. Provided you buy a well known quality product, it should need minimum maintenance. Waxing over the course of its life may help bring it back to its original sheen.
Could be Danish Oil which we have on our floors. I do them over with the oil about once per year, buffing up with a soft lintfree cloth to get a sheen finish rather than a shine. I buy it from B&Q though I would think that any DIY store will stock it.