Oil central heating + electric shower..kaputt!


Registered User
Help, I have a problem. Our oil central heating stopped working this morning, and our electric shower stopped working yesterday afternoon. Are these interlinked somehow? Is there a quick fix or do I need to call a plumber (or a boiler man, or a shower guy)?

Background: There is oil in the tank and I actually got the boiler serviced a month ago with no major problems. The electric shower had a problem a few months back. I had it fixed; the problem was a valve. The electric shower now says "low flow"..I don't think it had the same problem the last time it went belly up. Is there some plumbing issue causing all these problems?

Any advice you can give would be appreciated. As it stands the Squonks have a cold house and no hot water for showers.
"low flow"

Sounds more like a water shortage of some description? Do you have plenty of water coming thru the cold tap downstairs?
Thanks for the feedback...I contacted a plumber that I know and he gave me some advice. He thought that the oil and shower issues are separate. So I went home at lunch and managed to get the boiler moving again ...thank God for reset switches! I still don't know what caused the problem though. The plumber suggests that the electric shower is suffering from an air lock...I'll need to get an expert to look at this.

Same thing can happen with your boiler the pipe feeding the boiler with oil can also have air in it preventing the oil from reaching the boiler to remedy this the boiler just needs to be bled.
If you have air in the shower feed then you can just try turning the shower on without giving it any power ie. do NOT turn it on at the pull cord switch and let it run cold for a while hopefully this may help to clear your system of any air

Good Luck
Thanks for the advise Dobber22...I excitely tried it out last night on the electric shower. Unfortunately, with no electricity, the shower (a Mira) does not pump out any water. Any other thoughts?
Squonk said:
Thanks for the advise Dobber22...I excitely tried it out last night on the electric shower. Unfortunately, with no electricity, the shower (a Mira) does not pump out any water. Any other thoughts?

Strange even with no power to the shower it should still allow water to flow through the system when turned on. Unless you have an airlocked pipe and no water is getting through in that case contact a plummer to resolve.

Good Luck
I had the same problem with a mira electric shower and it turned out that the filter was dirty. The job was simple enough to do the filter is very fine and is easily clogged
I did it myself will look at how I did it tonite to refresh my memory will post tomorrow. All I can tell you its simple to do