Oil Based Paint!!!!!!!!!!


Registered User
This stuff has my heart broken!!!! Moved into house last feb and undercoated downstairs no prob in water based paint but problem came when i moved upstairs. all the walls thats were block walls as opposed to stud partition would not take water paint. builder recommended oil based paint and it initially worked a treat till about 6 weeks later when all the corners started to peel off!!!! before i started to put the differents coulours on the walls i sanded down and removed all the paint that was coming off the walls. i now noticed nearly 4 months later that this paint is now begining to peel off!!! Any help or advice with this problem is greatly appreciated as it is really begining to get me down particularly with the wife constantly pointing it out to me
Should have polybonded the walls to seal them properly although oil based paint should have worked unless you have a dampness problem was the house vacant for a while prior to you moving in?
Yup house was empty as it was selfbuild house but heating was on from oct till we moved in on feb 14th. The problem does not seem to be dampness though it seems to be how the plasterer skimmed the walls? (please excuse me if i have that phrased wrong) i still have 2 rooms to do from scratch though one is down stairs so not a problem as such. Somebody told me if i keep reapplying the water based paint then it will eventually be thick enough to paint over?

Polybond first just to seal the area you are painting it should work a treat unless you have a dampness problem which I doubt and I reckon there was more than enough time for the plaster to dry out as you were heating the house before you moved in.
Just dilute some PVA glue with water and brush on the walls/ceilings to seal them don't worry about it being watery it's fine that way it's just a sealer. When dry then apply your undercoat and then desired colour of choice.

Good Luck
thanks dobber will do that should the wife let me!!! Any ideas how to remedy the original problem of the peeling corners in the bedrooms. obviously i cant just paint over or the problem will happen again?
racso said:
thanks dobber will do that should the wife let me!!! Any ideas how to remedy the original problem of the peeling corners in the bedrooms. obviously i cant just paint over or the problem will happen again?

If you paint over any cracks in paint then the next coat may bubble due to trapped air, lightly sand all loose paint flakes away ect then polybond to seal then another fresh coat or
two of desired paint.
Don't worry about the wifey comments just tell her two sugars small drop of milk and an ickle plate of the finest quality biscuits please

Good Luck
thank you again dobber may actaully get back to being king of the castle when she sees how well i repair this...but genuinely a bib thanks to ya