Office Updates



Hi guys and Gals. I've been receiving two office updates since Nov 14th. They both downloaded without a problem but refuse to install. I don't get an error code and when I click on the "failed update"symbol,surprise surprise nothing happens. In desperation I've turned off Microsoft updates and reverted to Windows update only. The updates in question are;KB921587 and KB919029,any suggestions please??
Have you tried the Windows Update forum for possible information about these updates? I've generally found answers to questions about problems with Windows/Microsoft/Office Updates there. also throws up a few possibly useful links.
No joy there Clubman.I just keep going around in circles,all the links just bring me back to the same forum. Plenty of discusion but no solution that worked.
No consolation to you I guess but I just checked my Windows Update history and see that those two updates applied successfully on 15th November. The last update that I had a problem with was KB923980 which kept being reported as available even after being installed and I had to follow one of the hacks to manually uninstall it and some of its components before it would install correctly. Windows Update is fine when it works but a real PITA when it doesn't. A few MS MVPs' solution to problematic updates was to simply hide them!
Iagree with you totally.A real pita!! Both updates are now officially hidden!! I got a monster(24MB) for media player today which worked perfectly...................................................Strrrrrrange set up.
Keep an eye on the MS and other forums because chances are others will have the same problem as you and somebody will figure out a hack. Windows Updates worked fine for a few years but over the past year or so I have had several problems with them for which I had to research solutions and then manually hack around. Simply hiding the updates was never an acceptable solution to me.
You're right clubman hiding is not the solution.I just need to distance myself for a few days.I'll return to the problem with new vigour in a few days(I don't give up easily)
Update!! I ran a repair on the office programme and bingo they installed instantly. Another one for the knowlege banks.