Office 2003


Registered User
Hi all,

Im trying to insert pages nos in a word document but I want the page numbers to begin at page three ie page 3 in my document needs to be numbered as page 1.

Ive tried the online help but this just says to go to the page I wish the page numbers to start on and go to insert page numbers but it still lists page 3 as page 3.

Any thoughts/help would be great
I use the mac version of word, but it's probably not that different from:

Insert>Page Numbers>Format>Start Numbers at...

You would do this on page 3 and set start numbering to 1
Hi there

Tries this

Just to maker sure Im doing the right thing

I went to page 3 ie clicked in it and dollowed your instructions but still started nubering the page nos from the start

Any other ideas?

Try this —
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