Offer from Insurance comany for car too low


Registered User
A Chairde,

Two issues in this thread, posting for a friend.

1. Insurance Company (Allianz) stated car was a writeoff, and asked for a quote from dealer, dealer gave quote back for 2750 EUR, but Allianz are only offering 1250 , is next step court proceedings ..

2. The tyres / wheels were not damaged, and he went to remove them from car, the Allianz affiliated garage have "cubed" the car !! , he has not agreed to offer above, what action can he take here ..
many problems like this at present, due to collapse in second hand car market. Dealer's price will be that bit higher as if selling a car, they have to give warranty and guarantees. You probably can't issue court proceedings under terms of your policy. There would be a complaints procedure mentioned in the policy and also you can arbitrate. Try the complaints procedure as a first attempt.
Thanks Ravima,

Car was stolen and front wheel was driven through shock; Insurance company said it was a write off, and asked for car to be placed in their affiliated garage.

Car was in mint condition, and insured for 3500 EUR. As friend was very unhappy with settlement offered, asked to get parts off car, which insurer said was fine.

When he went to garage, they told him the car was crushed, four brand new wheels / tyres and other new stuff (MP3 / Radio) etc .. were inside.

Does he go after insurer or garage on this issue.
Did he sign over ownership of the car to the company? If so they can pretty much do what they want with it. If not, then the garage may have a case to answer to. Regarding the insured value of €3500, the value of the vehicle is the current market value. What you pay a dealer is not market value. He might be better off looking at CBG to see what a private dealer is asking for this type of car, this will be a truer reflection of the market value. Once he has this figure he should be able to negotiate closer to the market value. He also has the option of employing his own assessor to negotiate on his behalf, although in my experience assessors are reluctant to go against each other.
Thank JimBob,

He signed nothing, and Allianz rang garage before Christmas to tell them to crush it, He is looking at same car tomorrow valued at 3000 EUR.

Will mail back with responses
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