'Off the Rails' RTE show infuriates me


Registered User
From time to time, I have had the misfortune of watching Off the Rails on RTE. Whilst I appreciate the effort to advertise Irish clothing designers etc, more often than not the clothing/makeup etc featured is way out of the range (or off the planet!) of the average shopper in Ireland. The program seems to be aimed towards a very low percentage of Irish consumers who can affort to spend 5k on a dress or 800 on a pair of shoes....All in all IT INFURIATES ME! :mad:
Re: Off the Rails

or 680 euro on a pair of tights ... give us a break ... do they seriously think people would be stupid enough to buy that?
Re: Off the Rails

I would look at these programmes differently. Of course the average person is not going to buy these items although I presume somebody must if they are available in Irish stores. But I would see the program as a way to get the look of whats in fashion and go look for it yourself. Say for example they may show way off colours together or they may show accessories that you wouldn't think of. No your'e not going to buy the one advertised but you could put a similar look together from the high street once you have an idea in your head from these shows or from magazines.
Re: Off the Rails

Oh there are plenty of people that stupid - take a wander into BT's any Saturday - the money people spend in there is genuinely shocking.
Re: Off the Rails

It's all relative, it depends on how much of a disposable income you have.
Personally I think it is nice to se the kind of stuff that I don't normally see in the shops I usually frequent.
Re: Off the Rails

Sherman said:
Oh there are plenty of people that stupid - take a wander into BT's any Saturday - the money people spend in there is genuinely shocking.
Why assume that they are stupid? Perhaps they just have lots of money and like to buy such goods at such prices? Somebody might say the same about me spending a few hundred € on gadgets. Chacun a son gout... :)
Re: Off the Rails

Some of the make-overs are mad. The people look awful, they dress them up in horrible stuff. And I agree, some of the clothes are reallly over-priced and they look terrible.

On another note, has anyone ever gone to the Off The Rails Exibition?
Re: Off the Rails

I went to the Off the Rails show for 3 years but gave it a miss this year because it's always rubbish. The fashion show itself was never very good compared to others I've been to and the exhibition centre was always too crowded. I thought the ticket price this year was a bit high too.

I used to love the program but stopped watching it because all the makeovers seemed to be on older women so it wasn't relevant to me at all.

I have a weakness for expensive shoes though so I'd watch it if there was an episode focused on shoes!
Re: Off the Rails

I love "off the rails" and love looking at the clothes they put together even if I don't necessarily go and buy them for myself. I do have a love for clothes/shoes and don't see the problem with buying expensive good quality shoes/clothes if you can afford them. Not everything in BT's is overly expensive and sometimes a quality item that lasts for years ends up being better "value" than a cheaper quality item.
Also I noted that they had some items from Pennys thrown into a look mixed in with more expensive items so not all their stuff is expensive.
At least all the items are available in Ireland if you want to get them.
Re: Off the Rails

fobs said:
Not everything in BT's is overly expensive and sometimes a quality item that lasts for years ends up being better "value" than a cheaper quality item.
Yes - people should calculate the TCO (total cost of ownership) of clothes before committing to a purchase.