Off 6 months maternity leave - still entitled to annual increase?


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If you are entitled to an annual increase as part of your contract - and you take maternity leave - are you still entitled to the increase which became due when on leave? My instinct is that the answer is yes but just want to check.
As far as I am aware, all rights, benefits, holidays etc accruing to an employee are payable regardless of whether you were on maternity leave or not, i.e. the employee is treated as having been working for the full time
From :-

part of which says :-

Otherwise, you are entitled to be treated as if you had been at work during your maternity leave. Your employment conditions cannot be worsened by the fact that you have taken maternity leave, and if pay or other conditions have improved while you have been on maternity leave then you are entitled to these benefits when you return to work.
Just checked the legislaion, under Maternity Protection Act 1994, the period of maternity leave is counted as reckonable service. Credits towards pay increments are not affected. good luck.