The scale of that kind of investment is a bit smaller than I was getting at. I'm talking about a countries debt, like Ireland and Nama. Once you get through the paperwork, who is the owner of Irelands massive debt? Who is paid the interest?
And as for the foreign investment, the likes of google, facebook, now globally owned insurance companies etc are driving Irish policy on communication, privacy and financial data. When the likes of Hibernian were taken over, their data center was also included over so our personal data is now leaving the country.
Google and facebook are changing the privacy landscape on a daily basis with personal privacy now seen as a crime.
It just concerns me that we as a country are not choosing to be globalised, it is fact being imposed on us slowly and in such a manner as to seem natural but with each passing year, we slowly lose more and more control over how Irish people choose to live and instead just fall into line with the US way of thinking?
Who are the bondholders for Irish debt? They essentially run the country?