OECD Report


Registered User
I heard on the radio that according to the OECD we have the lowest taxation burden on the poor amongst the OECD members.
I have looked on their web site for the report in question but can't find it. Can anyone supply a link?
Thanks TN,
That's exactly what I was looking for.
It looks like Bertie really is a socialist...as he would say himself; "Who would have thunk it?".
Is this a study on direct taxation.
Indirect taxes is particularly high here.
Very high service charges also serve to mask real taxation and, again, savages the income of the poor.
Headline increases in social welfare offer little comfort against 30% ESB increase since the last election and another 10% soon.This is just one example.
Fair point Grumpy.

Yes, the OECD report is correct. Income Tax and PRSI are very low in Ireland. For low-income earners, especially with kids, it can be 0-10% of income.

My father earns 60k, pays approx. 16% of income in tax.

I earn 45k, pay 22-23% of income in tax.

But yes, indirect taxes are higher here than in most EU countries.

Overall, we still have low tax.