O'Connell Street Roadworks

They should be finished in time for [broken link removed] in 2016 as far as I know. :D
Was in that area on Saturday. I didnt realise the works on the street was actually a cover for a new public outdoor swmming pool. We must thank the corporation for their foresight!!!

Joking aside, all these lovely footpaths are nice but surely to god they can get the drainage right. There were pools all over the place (near the supermac, and at the road crossing with henry st), some quite deep due to the design of the footpaths. Cant we get anything right in this country?

Always felt that O'Connell Street needed to be improved, in particular to reduce the number of fast food outlets that dominate the area. I recently spent one weekend in our Capital and Iwas really shocked at how dirty Dublin city centre has become. I lived very happily there for four years but I really feel that the changes in town are very negative... The completed roadworks may improve the look of the street but there is much more basic problems.
They keep seem to re do things on the street. I noticed that the controversial piece of road that looked like the footpath (with the same paving stones) where the English tourist was killed, has now been covered with tarmacadam.